2020-05-10: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

Iran very proud of controlling, combating coronavirus: Rouhani
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-05-10
TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA)

COVID-19 by "Swiss Doctor Team"
Swiss Propaganda Research | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-10
Our "Swiss doctor" team provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment. (Below you will find regular, but not daily, updates on medical and political developments.) | ***…

Italy's Biased COVID-19 "Estimates". Figures and Analysis of Italy's National Health Institute (ISS)
Swiss Propaganda Research | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-10
According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased …

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19
Swiss Propaganda Research | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-10
A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment. (Below you will find regular, but not daily, updates on medical and political developments.) | ***…

Fog Around COVID-19 Made Thicker by New Ontario Rules for Handling Deaths
Rosemary Frei | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-10
Alarming COVID-19 death statistics from seniors' facilities continue to be in the spotlight in Ontario and elsewhere. | However, all is not as it seems in the mainstream-media reports of those statistics. | Procedures that came into effect in Ontario one month …

Planet of the Humans Backlash
Yves Engler | zcomm.org | 2020-05-10
The lesson to be learned from the film and the frenzied attacks against it is that questioning the system

COVID 19 Is a Statistical Nonsense
Iain Davis | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-10
The mortality statistics for COVID 19 have been incessantly hammered into our heads by the mainstream media (MSM). Every day they report these hardest of facts to justify the lockdown (house arrest) and to prove to us that living in …

Fog Around COVID-19 Made Thicker by New Ontario Rules for Handling Deaths
Rosemary Frei | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-10
Alarming COVID-19 death statistics from seniors' facilities continue to be in the spotlight in Ontario and elsewhere. | However, all is not as it seems in the mainstream-media reports of those statistics. | Procedures that came into effect in Ontario one month …

A BBC journalist just exposed why they've been pumping out Tory coronavirus propaganda
Steve Topple | thecanary.co | 2020-05-09
The BBC has been mired in controversy during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Its latest propaganda on behalf of the Conservative government was another piece of not-so cleverly executed spin. But some anonymous comments from a "senior journalist" have exposed exactly why our public service broadcaster has become even more of a Tory mouthpiece during this crisis. | Sorry, what…?: | As The Canary has documented, the BBC has been somewhat r…

Internet Censorship, Ego Death, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Caitlin Johnstone | thealtworld.com | 2020-05-09
There is no legitimate basis upon which to support monopolistic plutocratic megacorporations with extensive government ties silencing dissident voices in order to control the thoughts that people think about Covid-19. This is true regardless of your stance on the virus itself. | It is a known fact that Silicon Valley tech giants have extensive ties to the US government. Like, it's not a secret. At all. Yet whenever you object to internet…

Censors crack down on 'Plandemic' conspiracy documentary. What's so dangerous about it?
rt.com | 2020-05-09
Pulled from YouTube, censored in internet searches, and denounced by every single mainstream media outlet, what kind of information could make everyone so mad about 'Plandemic'? We watched it to find out. | A 23-minute teaser clip of the documentary went viral on Wednesday evening, notching up tens of millions of views across multiple platforms. However, a media outcry soon followed, with mainstream media outlets deploying their 'fact-checkers' to debunk its claims, and Facebook and YouTube removing the video, citing their new rules on Covid-19 "misinformation." | Yet censorship is also a sure-fire way to gene…

Jimmy Kimmel's non-apology for pushing FAKE NEWS about VP Pence shows partisanship rules MSM
rt.com | 2020-05-08
After even mainstream outlets objected to a deceptively edited video of VP Mike Pence, comedian Jimmy Kimmel issued a sarcastic apology suggesting that lying about the Trump administration is fine because they don't "value truth." | A 40-second segment seen by millions showed Kimmel mocking Pence for delivering empty boxes of personal protective equipment into a Virginia nursing home. Democrat activists online

Stir Crazy! Episode #31: Cancel Corporate Media
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-05-08
On today's show: TRNN climate reporter Aman Azhar, The Progressive Army founder Ben Dixon, and TRNN Executive Producer Lisa Snowden-McCray. Hosted by Kim Brown.

Stir Crazy! Episode #31: Cancel Corporate Media
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-05-08
On today's show: TRNN climate reporter Aman Azhar, The Progressive Army founder Ben Dixon, and TRNN Executive Producer Lisa Snowden-McCray. Hosted by Kim Brown.

Technofascism: The Censorship of David Icke is Digital Book Burning in a Totalitarian Age
John Whitehead | mintpressnews.com | 2020-05-05
CHARLOTTESVILLE ( Rutherford) —-We are fast becoming a nation–nay, a world–of book burners.While on paper, we are technically free to speak–at least according to the U.S. Constitution–in reality, however, we are only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners such as Facebook, Google or YouTube may allow. | That's not a whole lot of freedom. Especially if you're inclined to voice opinions that may be construed as conspiratorial or dangerous. | Take David Icke, for example. | Icke, a popular c…

Anatomy of a fake news campaign: Media spreads lie from US govt-funded Korean outlet that Kim Jong-un died
Ben Norton | thegrayzone.com | 2020-05-04
Corporate media outlets spread fake news claiming North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had died. The lie originated with a Seoul-based…

Special Guests Nicholas Baham, III, Anthony DiMaggio
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-05-04
This week's program focuses on the media's response to the current Covid-19 pandemic. Mickey's first guest is ethnic studies professor Nicholas Baham, III, who outlines his "Covid Chronicles," a continuing…

Peter Kuznick and The Global Covid 19 Solidarity Manifesto
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-27
Historian Peter Kuznick, co-author with Oliver Stone of "The Untold History of the United States," returns to the Project Censored Show to discuss his latest project: working with a team of other…

Their Second Recession: For the Second Time in Their Lives, Millennials Will Head to the Polls with an Economic Depression Looming
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-25
By Nolan Higdon On Election Day 2020, millennials face a difficult choice: vote or stay home. Either way, their decision will need to be accompanied by wide-spread activism, something they…

Mickey Talks With Dr. Steve Macek
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-14
Mickey's guest for the hour is media scholar Dr. Steve Macek of North Central College in suburban Chicago. Macek, a long time contributor to Project Censored's annual volume, compiled Chapter 4 of…

Andy Lee Roth, April Anderson, and Peter Obstler Discuss LGBTQ Issues
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-20
For the first half of the program, sociologist Andy Lee Roth describes his latest work with research librarian April Anderson indicating that Google and other internet giants are filtering out material…