2020-05-08: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

Journalism is Not a Crime
Namrata Sharma | zcomm.org | 2020-05-08
and Fake News on Social Media is Not Journalism…

The lesson of WWII? 'Industrialized mass murder' only possible when people stop questioning narratives, Werner Herzog tells RT
rt.com | 2020-05-08
The 75th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany should serve as a reminder to all that the Holocaust was carried out using a tightly controlled, unchallenged narrative, filmmaker Werner Herzog told RT. | Having grown up in the ruins of post-war Germany, the acclaimed director, screenwriter and producer spoke with Sophie Co. host Sophie Shevardnadze about lessons that can be gleaned from one of the darkest episodes in human history. | The atrocities carried out by the Nazis were the result of a lockstep narrative of "demonization" which replaced facts, Herzog observed. He argued that scapegoating people and e…

Stir Crazy! Episode #31: Cancel Corporate Media
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-05-08
On today's show: TRNN climate reporter Aman Azhar, The Progressive Army founder Ben Dixon, and TRNN Executive Producer Lisa Snowden-McCray. Hosted by Kim Brown.

COVID-19 and Fake News
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-07
The people who define "legacy systems" are the billionaires like Gates, and the monopolies like Big Pharma. "They" define the problem, and "they" "fix" the problem. The Corona shock gave them all the power and opportunity to fast track it …

Top Trump and GOP Donor Picked to Lead US Postal Service in Time of Crisis
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-05-07
The U.S. Postal Service's Board of Governors

As economy crumbles, Trump taps neo-fascist militias for his re-election effort
Max Elbaum | peoplesworld.org | 2020-05-07
Donald Trump tweets so many outrageous things and tells so many lies, it's easy for any particular statement to get buried in the shitstorm. But a presidential call to "liberate" states led by elected officials of the opposition party while Trump supporters carry guns into their state capitols shouldn't be one of them. In the …

Technofascism: The Censorship of David Icke is Digital Book Burning in a Totalitarian Age
John Whitehead | mintpressnews.com | 2020-05-05
CHARLOTTESVILLE ( Rutherford) —-We are fast becoming a nation–nay, a world–of book burners.While on paper, we are technically free to speak–at least according to the U.S. Constitution–in reality, however, we are only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners such as Facebook, Google or YouTube may allow. | That's not a whole lot of freedom. Especially if you're inclined to voice opinions that may be construed as conspiratorial or dangerous. | Take David Icke, for example. | Icke, a popular c…

Anatomy of a fake news campaign: Media spreads lie from US govt-funded Korean outlet that Kim Jong-un died
Ben Norton | thegrayzone.com | 2020-05-04
Corporate media outlets spread fake news claiming North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had died. The lie originated with a Seoul-based…

Virus of Mass Destruction
C. J. Hopkins | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-05-04
There comes a point in the introduction of every new official narrative when people no longer remember how it started. Or, rather, they remember how it started, but not the propaganda that started it. Or, rather, they remember all that (or are able to, if you press them on it), but it doesn't make any …

Special Guests Nicholas Baham, III, Anthony DiMaggio
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-05-04
This week's program focuses on the media's response to the current Covid-19 pandemic. Mickey's first guest is ethnic studies professor Nicholas Baham, III, who outlines his "Covid Chronicles," a continuing…

Corporate Looting as 'Rescue Plan,' Robber Barons as 'Saviors'
Joshua Cho | fair.org | 2020-05-01
Framing a massive corporate bailout as a "rescue package" (NPR, 3/27/20) was a PR coup. | For a perfect illustration of how corporate media function as ruling class propaganda, watch how they spin a titanic upward redistribution of wealth as a "rescue plan" for the US economy, and paint a robber baron like US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin as…

Peter Kuznick and The Global Covid 19 Solidarity Manifesto
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-27
Historian Peter Kuznick, co-author with Oliver Stone of "The Untold History of the United States," returns to the Project Censored Show to discuss his latest project: working with a team of other…

Their Second Recession: For the Second Time in Their Lives, Millennials Will Head to the Polls with an Economic Depression Looming
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-25
By Nolan Higdon On Election Day 2020, millennials face a difficult choice: vote or stay home. Either way, their decision will need to be accompanied by wide-spread activism, something they…

Mickey Talks With Dr. Steve Macek
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-14
Mickey's guest for the hour is media scholar Dr. Steve Macek of North Central College in suburban Chicago. Macek, a long time contributor to Project Censored's annual volume, compiled Chapter 4 of…

Andy Lee Roth, April Anderson, and Peter Obstler Discuss LGBTQ Issues
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-04-20
For the first half of the program, sociologist Andy Lee Roth describes his latest work with research librarian April Anderson indicating that Google and other internet giants are filtering out material…

Selected Articles: Fake News About North Korea, Failed Invasion of Venezuela
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2020-05-07
A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer" | | | If, like us, this is a …