2024-11-23: News Headlines

Guest Blogger (2024-11-23). Wind Speeds Dropping, Rainfall Similar to a Century Ago — the Climate News You Won't Hear in the Mainstream. wattsupwiththat.com No doubt computer models are behind this crystal ball gazing but the actual evidence of recent trends suggests something more modest. Homewood notes that annual rainfall in England and Wales has been increasing since 1980 but the 10-year average is at a similar level to earlier periods such as the 1870s and 1920s. There was a significant rise in rainfall in Scotland during the 1980s, he observed, but there has been little change in trend since. Meanwhile, rainfall trends in Northern Ireland have barely changed since 1931. As to rainfall becoming "more intense", Homewood notes that in England and Wales only seven…

Pepe Escobar, The Cradle. (2024-11-23). G20 Knocks Out G7 Agendas. popularresistance.org The G20 summit in Rio earlier this week offered the quite intriguing spectacle of a deeply divided world, geopolitically and geoeconomically, trying to put on a brave 'holiday in the sun' face. | There was plenty of fluff to amuse attentive audiences. French President Emmanuel Macron surrounded by a beefy security detail strolling on Copacabana beach near midnight; European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen barefoot in the sand, stunned by the lapping waves; the White House lodger, US President Joe Biden — with his expiry date in less than two months — missing the G20 family pic because he was…

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2024-11-21: News Headlines

A A (2024-11-21). Non ci sarà diplomazia, nonostante la disperata lobby dell'Occidente. strategic-culture.su Mosca ha già capito che non è possibile negoziare con il nemico neonazista. | Segue nostro A quanto pare, il regime di Kiev non è in linea con le innovazioni europee riguardo a un possibile "piano di pace" basato sul riconoscimento delle Nuove Regioni russe. I funzionari ucraini hanno negato qualsiasi possibilità di negoziare la fine delle rivendicazioni territoriali, come presumibilmente previsto dai diplomatici europei, il che indica che non ci sarà alcun dialogo, nonostante le pressioni di alcuni settori dei media mainstream. | Il ministro dell…

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