Editor (2023-09-09). Sep 9, 2023. sitrepworld.info
‚ô´ Billy Joel — Piano Man The West's blueprint for goading China was laid out in Ukraine, by Jonathan Cook A Theory of the Game, by James Howard Kunstler Parsing the Telescreen, Slouching into the Gulag, by Fred Reed NATO Chief Openly Admits Russia Invaded Ukraine Because Of NATO Expansion, by Caitlin Johnstone Propaganda Legalized, Censorship Weaponized, by Joseph Mercola Greenwald: EU and WaPo Escalate Censorship Campaign with a New Fraudulent.. Video Transcript Transparency International's Covert Agenda: A Pawn in Western Intelligence's Game, by Kit Klarenberg The Rise of the Public-Pri…
Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2023-09-09). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. globalresearch.ca World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".
ecns.cn (2023-09-09). Senior Tianjin divers dissuade crowding onlookers amid viral popularity. ecns.cn Tianjin's adventurous senior divers decided to cease their river plunging at Shizilin Bridge on Wednesday due to growing safety concerns. Instead, they advocate for diving in controlled professional indoor venues.
ELEL (2023-09-09). Department of Error] Department of Error. thelancet.com Li RHW, Lo SST, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Fong CHY, Ho PC, Ng EHY. Oral emergency contraception with levonorgestrel plus piroxicam: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2023; published online Aug 16. doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01240-0&md… this Article, the ineligibility information in figure 1 has been updated. This correction has been made to the online version as of Sept 7, 2023, and the printed version will be correct.
greenleft.org.au (2023-09-09). Sam Woripa Watson: 'Sovereignty is about controlling what happens on your land'. greenleft.org.au
The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute (2023-09-09). The Rockefeller Way: The Family's Covert 'Climate Change' Plan. globalresearch.ca First published in December 2016, this article is of relevance to an understanding of the ongoing debate on Climate Change as well the Green New Deal, largely controlled by the financial establishment. The Rockefellers also play a key role in …
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