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2023-09-09: News Headlines

Editor (2023-09-09). Sep 9, 2023. ‚ô´ Billy Joel — Piano Man The West's blueprint for goading China was laid out in Ukraine, by Jonathan Cook A Theory of the Game, by James Howard Kunstler Parsing the Telescreen, Slouching into the Gulag, by Fred Reed NATO Chief Openly Admits Russia Invaded Ukraine Because Of NATO Expansion, by Caitlin Johnstone Propaganda Legalized, Censorship Weaponized, by Joseph Mercola Greenwald: EU and WaPo Escalate Censorship Campaign with a New Fraudulent.. Video Transcript Transparency International's Covert Agenda: A Pawn in Western Intelligence's Game, by Kit Klarenberg The Rise of the Public-Pri…

Editor (2023-09-08). Sep 8, 2023. ‚ô´ Merle Haggard — Are the Good Times Really Over If Everyone Understood That The US Deliberately Provoked This War, by Caitlin Johnstone When It Comes to the Bidens, American Justice Is Blind, by Paul Craig Roberts Talking and Writing Honestly About War, by Bill Astore Intel And Sec'y Agencies Behind NGO Demands For More Censorship By X/Twitter, by A Gutentag, M Shellenberger The Real Obama Scandal Is That He Destroyed Multiple Nations, by Caitlin Johnstone ASEAN Summit concludes with fruitful result despite US interference, by Karl Sanchez A Geo-strategic Update with Joaquin Flores &#150…

Simon Hooper (2023-09-08). UK: Suella Braverman says Douglas Murray holds 'perfectly decent views'. UK: Suella Braverman says Douglas Murray holds 'perfectly decent views' | Home Secretary's comments condemned by Muslim groups as 'outrageous and dangerous' | Fri, 09/08/2023 – 14: 03 | Braverman said the Home Office had set up a rebuttal unit to counter 'inaccurate information about Prevent' (AP) | A controversial commentator accused of a "record of hate" against Muslims holds "mainstream, ins… (2023-09-09). Senior Tianjin divers dissuade crowding onlookers amid viral popularity. Tianjin's adventurous senior divers decided to cease their river plunging at Shizilin Bridge on Wednesday due to growing safety concerns. Instead, they advocate for diving in controlled professional indoor venues.

ELEL (2023-09-09). Department of Error] Department of Error. Li RHW, Lo SST, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Fong CHY, Ho PC, Ng EHY. Oral emergency contraception with levonorgestrel plus piroxicam: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2023; published online Aug 16.… this Article, the ineligibility information in figure 1 has been updated. This correction has been made to the online version as of Sept 7, 2023, and the printed version will be correct. (2023-09-09). Sam Woripa Watson: 'Sovereignty is about controlling what happens on your land'. (2023-09-08). Senior Tianjin divers dissuade crowding onlookers amid viral popularity. Tianjin's adventurous senior divers decided to cease their river plunging at Shizilin Bridge on Wednesday due to growing safety concerns. Instead, they advocate for diving in controlled professional indoor venues. (2023-09-08). Sam Woripa Watson: 'Sovereignty is about controlling what happens on your land'.

TASS (2023-09-08). Explosions heard in Kiev-controlled city of Zaporozhye. No other details of the incident are known at this point…

2023-09-09 23:33:24 | 23:33 EST | tr | 11 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 0 

2023-09-08: News Headlines

Leah Watson (2023-09-07). What the Fight Against Classroom Censorship is Really About. The ACLU is leading the fight to end classroom censorship and protect our right to learn. We filed the first case in the country to challenge a law that censored instruction about systemic sexism and racism in

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-07). Brazil has become a guinea pig for the global effort to censor information. Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes has censored a shocking number of high-profile people in a surprisingly short period of time. Not just on social media but he is also freezing bank accounts …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-07). Brazil has become a guinea pig for the global effort to censor information. Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes has censored a shocking number of high-profile people in a surprisingly short period of time. Not just on social media but he is also freezing bank accounts …

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Fact Check: Have US Cluster Munitions Proven Effective Amid Ukraine Counteroffensive? Washington has reportedly green-lighted further supplies of cluster munitions to Ukraine even though the first batch of the deadly shells have not helped the Kiev regime make any progress amid its counteroffensive.

Melvin Goodman (2023-09-08). When Difi Took on the CIA Over Torture. So Senator Feinstein did what Obama feared to do—conduct a serious and comprehensive investigation of CIA's program of torture and abuse. She ignored criticism from congressional colleagues as well as mainstream media pundits. Even David Cole, currently the national legal director at the ACLU, wrote that the CIA got a "bum rap" from Feinstein's report on CIA torture, making the absurd claim that torture worked. Over the years, Feinstein demonstrated that she was not intimidated by the national security state and its humongous defense and intelligence budgets. The national security state wields too much poli…

Simon Hooper (2023-09-08). UK: Suella Braverman says Douglas Murray holds 'perfectly decent views'. UK: Suella Braverman says Douglas Murray holds 'perfectly decent views' | Home Secretary's comments condemned by Muslim groups as 'outrageous and dangerous' | Fri, 09/08/2023 – 14: 03 | Braverman said the Home Office had set up a rebuttal unit to counter 'inaccurate information about Prevent' (AP) | A controversial commentator accused of a "record of hate" against Muslims holds "mainstream, ins…

_____ (2023-09-07). Think The Birmingham Bankruptcy Is Bad — Then This Is Worse. By Graham Vanbergen: As every mainstream media outlet has reported, Birmingham city council, the second-largest city in the UK, effectively declared itself bankrupt on Tuesday. The Independent reported that — "The Labour-run council might have to shut libraries, lessen the frequency of bin collections or raise council tax after it issued a section 114 notice …

_____ (2023-09-07). Think The Birmingham Bankruptcy Is Bad — Then This Is Worse. By Graham Vanbergen: As every mainstream media outlet has reported, Birmingham city council, the second-largest city in the UK, effectively declared itself bankrupt on Tuesday. The Independent reported that — "The Labour-run council might have to shut libraries, lessen the frequency of bin collections or raise council tax after it issued a section 114 notice …

Richard Gale (2023-09-07). Vaccines and "Fabricated Propaganda": The Character Assassination Directed against Robert Kennedy Jr.

TASS (2023-09-07). Lavrov says West sought to undermine constructive work at East Asia summit. "As for the attempts to Ukrainianize anything and everything, which are being made by our Western colleagues, these attempts are increasingly tiring for countries that want to engage in concrete affairs rather than support propaganda in favor of the Kiev regime," Sergey Lavrov stressed…

Paul Armentano (2023-09-07). The Federal Government Is Evolving on Marijuana — But Not Fast Enough. Nearly a year ago, the Biden Under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) of 1970, different drugs are regulated or prohibited according to their placement in five different "schedules." | The federal government currently puts marijuana in Schedule 1 — the most restrictive level, which it shares with heroin, ecstasy, and other drugs. By definition, subs… (2023-09-08). Senior Tianjin divers dissuade crowding onlookers amid viral popularity. Tianjin's adventurous senior divers decided to cease their river plunging at Shizilin Bridge on Wednesday due to growing safety concerns. Instead, they advocate for diving in controlled professional indoor venues. (2023-09-08). Sam Woripa Watson: 'Sovereignty is about controlling what happens on your land'.

TASS (2023-09-08). Explosions heard in Kiev-controlled city of Zaporozhye. No other details of the incident are known at this point…

Will Porter (2023-09-07). Pentagon Developing AI Drone Swarms to 'Deter' China. The US military is devising a new system designed to field thousands of drones controlled by artificial intelligence, deputy Pentagon chief Kathleen Hicks said on Wednesday, voicing hopes the tech would help to overcome Beijing's "advantage in mass." Speaking at the yearly Defense News conference in Arlington, Virginia, Hicks outlined the Pentagon's new "Replicator Initiative," … (2023-09-07). Sam Woripa Watson: 'Sovereignty is about controlling what happens on your land'.

2023-09-08 20:27:43 | 20:27 EST | tr | 18 | 0 | 11 | 6 | 0