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2023-09-24: News Headlines

Banned Books Week Coalition website (2023-09-24). Thursday 10/5: Banned Books Week: Your Voice Matters, Especially as Censorship Increases. Join via Zoom…

Banned Books Week Coalition website (2023-09-23). Thursday 10/5: Banned Books Week: Your Voice Matters, Especially as Censorship Increases. Join via Zoom…

Mischa Geracoulis, Project Censored. (2023-09-23). Lessons From One Hundred Years Of Journalism. In Mr. Associated Press, Gene Allen investigates the Associated Press (AP) and its trajectory from a pony express news agency founded in 1846 to the international stage, by way of the person most responsible for that transformation, Kent Cooper (1880-1965). As exceptional as every era believes itself to be, the history chronicled in these pages reveals that many of the problems currently facing the media and the public's relationship to it are reiterations of the past. Some one hundred years on, Allen—a professor emeritus of journalism at Toronto Metropolitan University—analyzes Cooper's time in the n…

Palestine Legal (2023-09-23). Civil Rights Groups Warn UCSC Attempts to Censor Pro-Palestine Scholarship May Violate Federal Laws. On Wednesday, Palestine Legal and the Center for Constitutional Rights wrote to the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) warning them to cease attempts to unlawfully censor the upcoming Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) convening, "Battling the 'IHRA definition': Theory & Activism", which is set to be jointly held at UCSC and New York University (NYU) on October 13th and 14th. The convening is a working meeting of the Institute's community of scholars and activists, aimed at combating dangerous efforts to use a distorted definition of antisemitism to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights…

JANET (2023-09-24). Int'l conference to stop the Third World War set in Rome Oct. 27-28. By Richie Merino September 21, 2023 Support is growing for an international conference demanding the dissolution of NATO, an end to arms shipments to Ukraine, and an end to sanctions on Russia. The conference, taking place in Rome, Italy, on Oct. 27-28, seeks to build a strong international coalition against NATO and advocates for a multipolar world based on respect for the sovereignty of nations and the self-determination of peoples. The stated objectives of the conference challenge the narrative presented by Western imperialists and their spokespeople in corporate media, who justify their direct support for the…

Adriano Massuda, Rafael Dall'Alba, Arthur Chioro, José Gomes Temporà£o, Márcia C Castro (2023-09-23). Correspondence] Bolsonaro's Ministry of Health's response to COVID-19 and other health challenges — Authors' reply. The response from Jair Bolsonaro's former Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, and former National Secretary of Primary Care, Raphael Parente, to our Comment1 is a clear demonstration of the method systematically used by Brazil's previous federal Government—the dissemination of lies and fake news to evade the facts and to construct a distorted reality. Rebutting the far-right rhetoric is a current challenge for health and democracy.

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-09-24). Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi Meets Members of Neturei Karat, a Pro-palestinian Jewish Anti-Zionist Organization.

Matthew Ehret (2023-09-23). The National Enquirer's Revolution in Make Believe News, Jesuits and a New Origin Story for Humanity. On September 13, 2023 media reports across the world exclaimed aloud that ancient aliens were discovered in Peru and presented to the Mexican Congress by a team of valiant researchers led by a journalist named Jose Jaime Maussan. The language used in the headlines across mainstream press agencies expressed absolute certainty leaving media consumers to

Ben Norton (2023-09-23). Chinese Balloon Was Not Spying, US Gov't Admits Months After Manufactured Crisis. By Ben Norton — Sep 20, 2023 | The Pentagon admitted that a Chinese balloon that crossed into US territory in February was not spying; it was likely blown off course by wind. But Washington and the media milked this manufactured scandal for new cold war propaganda. | The US government has admitted that severe accusations it made against China were just a lot of hot air. | The highest-ranking official in the US military has clarified that a

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). War, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis. Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts. Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, media disinformation, war propaganda, WMD, international law,…

Ray McGovern, Consortium News. (2023-09-23). If The Facts Come Out, It Could Spell The End For Joe Biden. The Joe Biden-friendly Establishment media has mounted a full-court press to "prove" that Biden is, well, not a crook. The stakes are extremely high, Biden is vulnerable, and media players are using to a faretheewell the old adage about the best defense being a good offense. The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal are desperately trying to steal the ball and get ahead in the publicity game. But time is about to run out, and pre-emptive propaganda is unlikely to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. IF the facts do come out and IF they are reported, Biden's presidential hopes may s…

WSWS (2023-09-23). Ukraine war funding emerges as central issue in US budget impasse. McCarthy has put forward a continuing resolution that would fund the government at a sharply reduced rate through October to keep the government running while he works to hash out a budget deal with the Biden White House and the Democratic-controlled Senate. It does not include funding for the Ukraine war.

2023-09-24 22:57:02 | 22:57 EST | rz | 14 | 0 | 9 | 3 | 0 

2023-09-21: News Headlines

Editor (2023-09-21). Sep 21, 2023. ‚ô´ Simple Man — Lynyrd Skynyrd Lavrov's Devastating UNSC Presentation, by Karl Sanchez War Profiteers Are A Sign Of A Profoundly Sick Society, by Caitlin Johnstone So They Want Negotiations, Now. Have they any idea what they are talking about? by Aurelien A spiritual warrior against the empire of greed, by Paul Cudenec The Worst Global Food Crisis In Modern History, About To Go To An Entirely New Level, by Michael Snyder The west destroyed Africa, Eurasia will revive it, by Matthew Ehret How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement, by CJ Hopkins Iranian President Raisi addresses th…

Kit Klarenberg (2023-09-21). Intel-linked UK official pushing censorship of Russell Brand. The author of letters to social media companies demanding the financial punishment of Russell Brand is a British lawmaker implicated in London's war on Covid-19 and Ukraine dissenters. Her husband was a commander in the Army's psy-ops division. Allegations of sexual impropriety and abuse by comedian and podcaster Russell Brand by the British media prompted YouTube to demonetize the star's popular channel on September 20. The Grayzone can now reveal that YouTube's financial censorship of Brand is the result of …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-21). Thrown To The Wind: The film that could Save an Entire Whale Species is now free to watch. When Public released its first documentary, 'Thrown To The Wind', a month ago, Facebook censored any mention of it. At that time, it was only viewable by subscribers to Public. Now, Public …

Tamar Sarai, Scheer Post. (2023-09-21). Student Journalists Nationwide Face Censorship And Challenges. In the age of social media, with new platforms emerging seemingly every few months, high school newspapers are just one outlet where young people can share their voices and relay the stories of their lives. Yet student-run newsrooms play a profound and unique role not just in the school community, but also in the broader media ecosystem surrounding each campus. The power of student media is perhaps most obvious in cases where student-led newsrooms break major news. In 2017, The Booster Redux, the student-run newspaper at Pittsburg High in Pittsburg, Kansas, made national news when a simple profile on the school's…

Editor (2023-09-20). Student Journalists Nationwide Face Administrative Censorship and Challenges.

WSWS (2023-09-20). Interview with artist Diego Marcial Rios, whose paintings in San Mateo, California show were taken down because of police objections. A flagrant example of censorship occurred last month, when objections from police officers led to the abrupt closure of all art exhibitions at municipal galleries in San Mateo, California.

Editor (2023-09-21). Lessons From One Hundred Years of Journalism. By Mischa Geracoulis / Project Censored In Mr. Associated Press, Gene Allen investigates the Associated Press (AP) and its trajectory from a pony express news agency founded in 1846 to the international stage, by way of the person most responsible for that transformation, Kent Cooper (1880-1965). As exceptional as every era believes itself to be, the …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-21). Climate Related News: Wildfires, urban fires, climate change and economic depression have something in common but it is not CO2. Corporate media frequently spread conspiracy theories but this is never acknowledged. Corporate media also spreads propaganda according to the wishes of their paymasters. Propaganda which includes all things related to a "human-caused …

Mnar Adley (2023-09-21). The Real Reasons the Derna Dam in Libya Broke. More than 11,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating floods in the Libyan city of Derna. Yet mainstream media outlets would have you believe the destruction that has drawn worldwide headlines is due to climate change.

Ben Norton (2023-09-21). Chinese balloon was not spying, US gov't admits months after manufactured crisis. The Pentagon admitted that a Chinese balloon that crossed into US territory in February was not spying; it was likely blown off course by wind. But Washington and the media milked this manufactured scandal for new cold war propaganda.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-21). Declassified: Yugoslavia's 'Propaganda Value' for British Spies. Kit Klarenberg Yugoslavia, before it was destroyed by NATO, had immense propaganda value for the MI6's IRD, which wanted to use the country as part of their propaganda campaign to deter countries from the Soviet model. Declassified files shed fascinating light on how during the Cold War, Yugoslavia was a subject of intense cloak-and-dagger interest…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-20). NATO: Hear No Evil, See No Evil. Yves Engler Image from a US protest against US/NATO's actions in Libya. Image credit: Al Mayadeen English To maintain public support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)'s proxy war with Russia, it's important to erase its history of violence. The Canadian media's refusal to mention NATO's role in Libya's instability partly reflects the requirements of Ukraine propaganda. In…

Chris Walker (2023-09-20). Ohio Ed Board Members Sue State Over Law Creating New, Separate Education Agency. Several members of the Ohio state Board of Education have filed a lawsuit against the state of Ohio and Gov. Mike DeWine (R), alleging that recent changes by him and the Republican-controlled state legislature violate the state constitution. The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday by seven members of the board, claims that aspects of the bill usurp the constitutional authority of the Board of Education by… | (2023-09-21). Getting ready for bed controlled by specific brain wiring in mice. Researchers have discovered the brain pathways involved in 'sleep preparatory behaviour' in mice, which is likely to also apply to humans.

2023-09-21 19:18:58 | 19:18 EST | rz | 16 | 0 | 4 | 11 | 0