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2023-11-18: News Headlines

Censored News (2023-11-18). Justice for Raymond Mattia: Tohono O'odham Murdered by US Border Patrol Press Conference. Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Murdered by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on the Front Steps of His Home on the Tohono O'odham Nation. The Press Conference will be at the Tucson Federal Courthouse, November 17, 2023, 10 a.m.

Censored News (2023-11-17). Justice for Raymond Mattia: Tohono O'odham Murdered by US Border Patrol Press Conference. Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Murdered by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on the Front Steps of His Home on the Tohono O'odham Nation. The Press Conference will be at the Tucson Federal Courthouse, November 17, 2023, 10 a.m.

Eve Ottenberg (2023-11-17). U.S.-China Extinction-Level Event Narrowly Averted. We humans came within ten feet of extinction on October 24. That's when World War III almost erupted due to a near collision between American and Chinewarplanesnes over the South China Sea. U.S. corporate media was quick to blame Beijing for the Chinese pilot's "dangerous maneuvers," but such accusations beg the question: What in God's name were American fighter jets doing there, near Chinese airspace, eight thousand miles from U.S. borders in the first place? Their very presence is a provocation, aka military aggression. It could easily ignite war and thence nuclear Armageddon. And that first step, starting a wa…

The Exposé (2023-11-18). Orange is the new Black: How a mug shot turned Trump into a Brother. There are 3 types of journalists in the mainstream media. There is the loud-mouthed, knee-jerking, hot-button-pushing tabloid journalist, who surfs every wave of public opinion breaking onto the beach of fake news, …

Ishmael Reed (2023-11-17). Majority of Black Men Prefer Trump. Suicide By Vote? Only when she read a book review in Ebony magazine did my mother believe I was a writer. Blacks had every right to be suspicious of the white mainstream media. They trusted the Black media. Ebony magazine, Jet, and great newspapers like the Chicago Defender, the Pittsburgh Courier, and the Afro-American. These newspapers have gone

Editor (2023-11-18). Nov 18, 2023. ‚ô´ Hauser — Air on the G String (J. S. Bach) Are we in a countdown to all-out nuclear war? by Gilbert Doctorow Europe Is Burning, by Joel Kotkin Why Ridiculous Official Propaganda Still Works, by CJ Hopkins SC Edit'l: U.S.-China Reset? Biden Offers Hand of Friendship to Xi While Holding Enmity in the Other Xi Outmaneuvers Biden in San Francisco, by Pepe Escobar Speech: Galvanizing Our Peoples into a Strong Force For China-U.S. Friendship, by Xi Jinping Russian Hard Power & Chinese Soft Power Can't Trump the Fairy Tales of NATO & Israel, by Declan Hayes The empire sails into a hurricane of…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-18). A List of Israeli Lies, Propaganda and Genocidal Intent. By Hebh Jamal — Nov 15, 2023 | There's so much maybe you need a recap. | We know Israel lies. Did you know how much? Here's a list of just some of the debunked propaganda released by the genocidal state followed by evidence that there IS intent to commit genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. | The Propaganda: | 1- Israel's military and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office claimed that Hamas fighters beheaded up to 40 children during their October 7 attack on the town of Kfar Aza. The incendiary allegations spread quickly and were widely repeated in the media and by President Joe Biden, who falsely cla…

Editor (2023-11-17). Patrick Lawrence: The Banality of Propaganda.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-17). the Danger of Eschatology and Israel's Al Shifa Propaganda Fail. If you are not a muslim, pretend for a moment that you are. Listen to the following sermon from a ultra conservative Pastor in Tennessee and let me know how this might influence your interaction with Christians. | Extremist Pastor Hoping for Armageddon | Got your attention? This is the extreme version of the eschatological theology embraced by many evangelical Christians. There is no grace, there is no mercy. Only wrath of God stuff. I worry than most secular Americans who have never experienced this kind of religious fervor fail to appreciate that this vision of what should happen in Israel is playing a…

Patrick Lawrence, Consortium News. (2023-11-17). The Banality Of Propaganda. Propaganda is about forceful impact, subtlety the last thing on the propagandist's mind. The banal will always do. The Japanese during the Pacific war were "Japs" or "Nips," and in the plentitude of American propaganda images they had buck teeth and pencil mustaches and wore round glasses over their evil Asiatic eyes. | After watching the Herzog video I went in search of footage from London the previous day. There have been many demonstrations against Israel's savage military campaign in Gaza since hostilities erupted Oct. 7, and may there be many more, but London last Saturday looks like the biggest to date.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-17). Tedros the Terrorist urges countries to launch propaganda campaigns to foist WHO's Pandemic Treaty onto citizens. Ethiopian terrorist and human rights abuser Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus inverts the truth and outright lies about the Pandemic Treaty in an attempt to get countries to assist him in "actively countering false …

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Political campaigning is on halt in Argentina. Propaganda campaigns, surveys publication and dissemination, and parties near the polling stations are strictly forbidden from 08: 00 hours, local time, this Friday to 21: 00 hours, local time on November 19. | Voters' meetings, shows, sports activities, and selling alcoholic beverages are also banned. | Carrying weapons and using flags, badges, or others are also punished. | Over 35 million Argentinian citizens will vote on Sunday to elect the nation's president and vice president. | The Unión por la Patria (Union for the Homeland, UP) alliance with Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi and La Libertad Avanza (Liberty A…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-18). Cuba shows progress in the fight against lung cancer. Cuba has already registered the first therapeutic vaccine against advanced lung cancer in the world, named CIMAVAX-EGF, with which more than 1,000 patients have been treated in the country. | Experts from the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) assure that the vaccine allows turning advanced cancer into a controllable chronic disease. | CIMAVAX-EGF, which is the result of more than fifteen years of research, targets the tumor-related system and does not cause severe adverse effects. | It is based on a protein that is skin growth factor and related to cell proliferation processes. | It is administered at the ti…

Shivali Devjani, Priya V Engel, Sogol S Javadi, Brandon Smith, Jashin J Wu (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Efficacy of rocatinlimab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. In their multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2b study, Emma Guttman-Yassky and colleagues showed the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous rocatinlimab versus subcutaneous placebo for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.1 Although the findings of this study are novel and encouraging, there are a few limitations that require elucidation.

2023-11-18 15:33:46 | 15:33 EST | rz | 16 | 0 | 8 | 6 | 0 

2023-11-17: News Headlines

Rupa Marya (2023-11-16). The Israeli attack on Palestinian health workers in Gaza and the failure of the American Medical Association. Amid Israel's unprecedented attacks on healthcare workers and infrastructure in Gaza, the AMA censored a resolution proposed by its members to call for a ceasefire…

Censored News (2023-11-17). Justice for Raymond Mattia: Tohono O'odham Murdered by US Border Patrol Press Conference. Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Murdered by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on the Front Steps of His Home on the Tohono O'odham Nation. The Press Conference will be at the Tucson Federal Courthouse, November 17, 2023, 10 a.m.

Eve Ottenberg (2023-11-17). U.S.-China Extinction-Level Event Narrowly Averted. We humans came within ten feet of extinction on October 24. That's when World War III almost erupted due to a near collision between American and Chinewarplanesnes over the South China Sea. U.S. corporate media was quick to blame Beijing for the Chinese pilot's "dangerous maneuvers," but such accusations beg the question: What in God's name were American fighter jets doing there, near Chinese airspace, eight thousand miles from U.S. borders in the first place? Their very presence is a provocation, aka military aggression. It could easily ignite war and thence nuclear Armageddon. And that first step, starting a wa…

Ann Brown (2023-11-16). Fact Check: The 'Dollar Only Stays In Black Community 6 Hours' Is Urban Myth. The claim that a dollar circulates within the Black community for only six hours has been widely circulated, but is it actually true? This myth has been debunked by, an initiative out of Howard University's Department of Media, Journalism, and Film in the School of Communications, which aims to fact-check claims about the African-American community. …

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-11-16). Amazing how gullible Russian media is about reporting US disinformation. A fake news story planted two days ago, more than a month after Hamas' attack, on the Washington Post is another building block of the narrative that supports the removal of Gazans to the Sinai Desert. According to the Washington Post, unidentified "intelligence officials" told…

Ishmael Reed (2023-11-17). Majority of Black Men Prefer Trump. Suicide By Vote? Only when she read a book review in Ebony magazine did my mother believe I was a writer. Blacks had every right to be suspicious of the white mainstream media. They trusted the Black media. Ebony magazine, Jet, and great newspapers like the Chicago Defender, the Pittsburgh Courier, and the Afro-American. These newspapers have gone

Editor (2023-11-17). Patrick Lawrence: The Banality of Propaganda.

Patrick Lawrence, Consortium News. (2023-11-17). The Banality Of Propaganda. Propaganda is about forceful impact, subtlety the last thing on the propagandist's mind. The banal will always do. The Japanese during the Pacific war were "Japs" or "Nips," and in the plentitude of American propaganda images they had buck teeth and pencil mustaches and wore round glasses over their evil Asiatic eyes. | After watching the Herzog video I went in search of footage from London the previous day. There have been many demonstrations against Israel's savage military campaign in Gaza since hostilities erupted Oct. 7, and may there be many more, but London last Saturday looks like the biggest to date.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-17). Tedros the Terrorist urges countries to launch propaganda campaigns to foist WHO's Pandemic Treaty onto citizens. Ethiopian terrorist and human rights abuser Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus inverts the truth and outright lies about the Pandemic Treaty in an attempt to get countries to assist him in "actively countering false …

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Political campaigning is on halt in Argentina. Propaganda campaigns, surveys publication and dissemination, and parties near the polling stations are strictly forbidden from 08: 00 hours, local time, this Friday to 21: 00 hours, local time on November 19. | Voters' meetings, shows, sports activities, and selling alcoholic beverages are also banned. | Carrying weapons and using flags, badges, or others are also punished. | Over 35 million Argentinian citizens will vote on Sunday to elect the nation's president and vice president. | The Unión por la Patria (Union for the Homeland, UP) alliance with Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi and La Libertad Avanza (Liberty A…

Larry Johnson (2023-11-17). the Danger of Eschatology and Israel's Al Shifa Propaganda Fail. If you are not a muslim, pretend for a moment that you are. Listen to the following sermon from a ultra conservative Pastor in Tennessee and let me know how this might influence your interaction with Christians. | Extremist Pastor Hoping for Armageddon | Got your attention? This is the extreme version of the eschatological theology embraced by many evangelical Christians. There is no grace, there is no mercy. Only wrath of God stuff. I worry than most secular Americans who have never experienced this kind of religious fervor fail to appreciate that this vision of what should happen in Israel is playing a…

The Exposé (2023-11-16). U.S. Government confirms 1433x increase in Deadly Cancer Cases due to COVID Vaccination. Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause …

Shivali Devjani, Priya V Engel, Sogol S Javadi, Brandon Smith, Jashin J Wu (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Efficacy of rocatinlimab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. In their multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2b study, Emma Guttman-Yassky and colleagues showed the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous rocatinlimab versus subcutaneous placebo for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.1 Although the findings of this study are novel and encouraging, there are a few limitations that require elucidation.

2023-11-17 22:29:28 | 22:29 EST | rz | 15 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 1