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2023-12-15: News Headlines

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-14). Censoring Israeli Violence. The cathedral of censorship is a vast, airy one. In its embrace, texts are abridged, images removed, ideas scrubbed. Historical inconveniences are filed and rendered inaccessible. The only sermons tolerated will be those satisfying and serving the dictates of power. The power Israel disproportionately wields here, notably across a number of Western democratic states, is staggering. It is manifested

Censored News (2023-12-14). Friday 12/15: Justice for Raymond Mattia: Peaceful Protest on Tohono O'odham Nation. Route 86 and Spencer Drive | Sells, Arizona…

WSWS (2023-12-14). Militant protest against genocide in Gaza and censorship of war opponents at Ruhr-Università§t Bochum. Pouring rain could not stop the loud and passionate protest of around 200 students and workers at Ruhr-Università§t Bochum (RUB) Tuesday afternoon against the genocide in Gaza.

Judy Haiven (2023-12-14). Censorship and Civic Terror in Canada: The Silencing of Palestinian Voices and Palestinian Supporters. (2023-12-14). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

Drago Bosnic (2023-12-14). Ukraine War: Mainstream Media Narrative Doubles Down on "Russia Losing" Fantasies.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-14). Concluyen franjas de propaganda en TV chilena previo a plebiscito. Concluye el periodo de franja informativa para publicitar el proyecto constitucional y cualquier otra información electoral.

William Trollinger (2023-12-14). House Speaker Mike Johnson and the Creationists. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been the subject of considerable media attention following his elevation to…

WSWS (2023-12-14). Republican-controlled House votes for impeachment inquiry into Biden. The vote was a transparent effort to boost the presidential election campaign of ex-president Donald Trump, himself twice impeached, using the long-known corruption charges against Hunter Biden, the president's son.

Travis McAdam, Rachel Carroll Rivas (2023-12-14). Republican-Controlled House Committee Claims Millions Support the Violent Ideology of Aryan Nations. The House Judiciary Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released an interim staff report last week that erroneously claimed millions of Americans support Christian Identity, the racist and antisemitic theology most associated with the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations.

2023-12-15 00:37:31 | 00:37 EST | tr | 12 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 

2023-12-14: News Headlines

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-14). Censoring Israeli Violence. The cathedral of censorship is a vast, airy one. In its embrace, texts are abridged, images removed, ideas scrubbed. Historical inconveniences are filed and rendered inaccessible. The only sermons tolerated will be those satisfying and serving the dictates of power. The power Israel disproportionately wields here, notably across a number of Western democratic states, is staggering. It is manifested

Censored News (2023-12-14). Friday 12/15: Justice for Raymond Mattia: Peaceful Protest on Tohono O'odham Nation. Route 86 and Spencer Drive | Sells, Arizona…

WSWS (2023-12-14). Militant protest against genocide in Gaza and censorship of war opponents at Ruhr-Università§t Bochum. Pouring rain could not stop the loud and passionate protest of around 200 students and workers at Ruhr-Università§t Bochum (RUB) Tuesday afternoon against the genocide in Gaza.

Censored News (2023-12-13). Friday 12/15: Justice for Raymond Mattia: Peaceful Protest on Tohono O'odham Nation. Route 86 and Spencer Drive | Sells, Arizona…

Judy Haiven (2023-12-14). Censorship and Civic Terror in Canada: The Silencing of Palestinian Voices and Palestinian Supporters.

Kate Horgan (2023-12-13). Exposing the Jewish National Fund and Radioactive Fracking. The Jewish National Fund sounds nice enough, especially with their quaint tree-planting campaigns, but as our guest, Palestinian organizer Abdullah Elagha points out, this greenwashed front hides a myriad of… | According to a July 2023 report in the Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA), state legislators have proposed to add $60 million to the state's annual budget to fund rural school…

Shealeigh (2023-12-13). Arizona Private Schools Surge Tuition Despite State Vouchers. In September 2023, private K-12 schools in Arizona decided to raise their tuition between 6 and 20 percent in response to experimental vouchers given to families to make private education…

Shealeigh (2023-12-13). California's Groundbreaking Investment in Education for Incarcerated Youth. In an article for The Imprint News, Jeremy Loudenback and Sara Tiano dive into the details of California's June 30, 2023, signed budget, which incorporates investments in higher education for…

Shealeigh (2023-12-13). New York Teacher's Innovative Approach Humanizes Asylum-Seeker Students. In an article for Rethinking Schools, New York teacher Juan P. Córdova shares his experience teaching a "traditional bilingual classroom" of fourth- and fifth-grade students whose families were seeking asylum… (2023-12-13). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

infobrics (2023-12-13). Mainstream propaganda machine doubles down on 'Russia losing' fantasies. "Russia has lost a staggering 87% of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine and two-thirds of its pre-invasion tanks," CNN claims, citing a "declassified US intelligence assessment provided to Congress".

Patricia Harrity (2023-12-13). The Truth About Adrenochrome. The mainstream media would like us to believe that Adrenochrome would have little effect on an individual and therefore there is no reason to suspect that it is used by "elites". However, … (2023-12-14). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

Drago Bosnic (2023-12-14). Ukraine War: Mainstream Media Narrative Doubles Down on "Russia Losing" Fantasies.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-14). Concluyen franjas de propaganda en TV chilena previo a plebiscito. Concluye el periodo de franja informativa para publicitar el proyecto constitucional y cualquier otra información electoral.

teleSUR, lfb, YSM (2023-12-13). Aumenta el nivel de alerta antiterrorista en Países Bajos. El informe señala que, durante los últimos años, internet ha desempeñado un papel importante en la difusión de propaganda.

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-12-13). An Old CIA Intellectual Continues to Promote Fake Atrocity Stories and Advance War Propaganda in Retirement. From 1983 until 2021, Carl Gershman served as director of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which was established by Congress to take over the CIA's covert propaganda initiatives. The NED packages itself as a champion of human rights, though it finances groups that primarily publicize the atrocities—both real and imagined—of U.S. government enemies in …

William Trollinger (2023-12-14). House Speaker Mike Johnson and the Creationists. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been the subject of considerable media attention following his elevation to…

WSWS (2023-12-14). Republican-controlled House votes for impeachment inquiry into Biden. The vote was a transparent effort to boost the presidential election campaign of ex-president Donald Trump, himself twice impeached, using the long-known corruption charges against Hunter Biden, the president's son.

David Kattenburg, Mondoweiss. (2023-12-13). Dutch Court Case Looks To Cut Off Military Supplies To Israel. Strolling down the street or along a green pathway in the southern Netherlands, it's not uncommon to see F-35 stealth bombers roaring overhead. | They could be heading up to the Netherlands' largest F-35 base in northern Leeuwarden, or to another airfield in the southeast. | Or, perhaps, returning from an F-35 maintenance base in the southwest, near the small town of Woensdrecht. | Woensdrecht Air Base, at the top of the Scheldt estuary, is one of three European 'logistics hubs' for Lockheed Martin's "lethal," "survivable" and "connected" F-35 Lightning II stealth bomber. F-35 users from across Europe (and Israel…

Travis McAdam, Rachel Carroll Rivas (2023-12-14). Republican-Controlled House Committee Claims Millions Support the Violent Ideology of Aryan Nations. The House Judiciary Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released an interim staff report last week that erroneously claimed millions of Americans support Christian Identity, the racist and antisemitic theology most associated with the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations.

2023-12-14 23:14:33 | 23:14 EST | tr | 23 | 0 | 11 | 10 | 0