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2023-12-19: News Headlines

Samir Saul, Michel Seymour (2023-12-19). 2023 in Review: Reality Makes a Forceful Comeback. Three major issues dominated 2023: the conflict in Ukraine, the economy and the conflict in Palestine. The first two upheavals began in 2022, the third in 2023. In all three cases, developments brought about a head-on collision with largely concealed realities. A mental universe built on myths, fantasies, fables, "alternative facts", and "narratives", not to mention crass ignorance, self-delusion, and conceit, smashed against the reef of the real world. The shock was brutal, akin to a hard landing, and devastating for the storytelling in which the West has become accustomed to wallowing. It has now become harder…

Kate Horgan (2023-12-19). Project Censored Newsletter December 2023. State of the Free Press 2024 in the News State of the Free Press 2024, the 31st edition of the Project's award-winning yearbook series, officially released on December 5, 2023….

Sharon Zhang (2023-12-18). Pressley Bill Would Classify Discriminatory Book Bans as Civil Rights Violations. As Republicans pursue a wave of book bans across the country seeking to censor Black history and LGBTQ representation, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) has introduced a bill that would classify many of these bans as violations of federal civil rights laws. Introduced last week, the Books Save Lives Act would make the disproportionate exclusion of books that include content on certain… |

Brenda Norrell, Censored News (2023-12-18). Oceti Sakowin Treaty Council Supports Palestinians and an End to Israel's Genocide. The Oceti Sakowin Treaty Council passed a resolution on Thursday in Rapid City, South Dakota, in support of Palestinians, calling for an immediate ceasefire, emergency humanitarian aid, and an end to United States military aid to Israel. Oceti Sakowin, the Great Sioux Nation, said Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide that mirrors what was done to the Oceti Sakowin. The Council said Israel's apartheid regime would not be possible without the United States government's military aid.

Ann Brown (2023-12-18). Fact Check: Millionaires Live In Relatively Smaller Houses, Only 2600 Square Feet, Mortgage Is Paid Off. When it comes to the lifestyles of millionaires, there are often misconceptions about their housing preferences and financial choices. A recent study conducted as part of the National Study of Millionaires done through Ramsey Solutions sheds light on where millionaires call home and how they manage their mortgages. Most don't have a mortgage. Millionaires—and even …

Gavin OReilly (2023-12-19). The Red Sea and False Flags? Yemen's Ansar Allah Movement Launches a Barrage of Missiles against Israel. (2023-12-19). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

Derek Seidman (2023-12-18). These "Experts" Cheer on Gaza Siege Without Disclosing Ties to War Profiteering. We might be in an age of social media, but cable news channels like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN still have enormous influence in shaping mainstream narratives about war and U.S. foreign policy. Therefore, it's alarming that numerous "experts" that news channels bring on to explain war and conflict are actually — unbeknownst to news viewers — themselves cogs within the military-industrial complex… |

Emile Nakhleh (2023-12-18). Where did Hamas come from and what does it want?

Hamas's surprise bloody attack on Israel on October 7, 50 years plus one day since the October 1973 war, and the massive Israeli military response in Gaza has dominated media coverage regionally and globally for the past two plus months.American mainstream media for the most part has avoided a serious discussion of the Hamas context, the "root causes" of the conflict, the long-term implications of Israel's indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, the morality, ethics, legality, and proportionality of the Israeli massive military operations in Gaza, and the diminishing stature and credibility of the United States… (2023-12-18). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-18). All The Propaganda Is Splattering Against A Solid Wall Of Reality.

_____ (2023-12-18). Wikipedia and Propaganda. Dec 2023 – Is Wikipedia an open encyclopedia or a covert propaganda platform? The basics…

2023-12-19 17:48:49 | 17:48 EST | tr | 15 | 0 | 8 | 4 | 0 

2023-12-18: News Headlines

Brenda Norrell, Censored News (2023-12-18). Oceti Sakowin Treaty Council Supports Palestinians and an End to Israel's Genocide. The Oceti Sakowin Treaty Council passed a resolution on Thursday in Rapid City, South Dakota, in support of Palestinians, calling for an immediate ceasefire, emergency humanitarian aid, and an end to United States military aid to Israel. Oceti Sakowin, the Great Sioux Nation, said Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide that mirrors what was done to the Oceti Sakowin. The Council said Israel's apartheid regime would not be possible without the United States government's military aid.

Derek Seidman (2023-12-18). These "Experts" Cheer on Gaza Siege Without Disclosing Ties to War Profiteering. We might be in an age of social media, but cable news channels like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN still have enormous influence in shaping mainstream narratives about war and U.S. foreign policy. Therefore, it's alarming that numerous "experts" that news channels bring on to explain war and conflict are actually — unbeknownst to news viewers — themselves cogs within the military-industrial complex… | (2023-12-18). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

2023-12-18 18:54:41 | 18:54 EST | tr | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0