Author Archives: admin

2023-12-21: News Headlines (2023-12-21). Meta: Systemic Censorship of Palestine ContentMeta's content moderation policies and systems have increasingly silenced voices in support of Palestine on Instagram and Facebook in the wake of the hostilities between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 51-page report, "Meta's Broken Promises: Systemic Censorship of Palestine Content on Instagram and Facebook," documents a pattern of undue removal and suppression of protected speech including peaceful expression in support of Palestine and public debate about Palestinian human rights.

Giorgos Mitralias (2023-12-21). Legendary Warsaw Ghetto and Anti-Apartheid Fighters Support the Palestinian Resistance! As soon as the new bloodbath in the Middle East began, the label of anti-Semite that Israel's supporters so readily attributed to all those who dared to criticise its policies was replaced by… criminalisation, censorship and all kinds of persecution, even against those who merely declared their solidarity with the Palestinians. But the most scandalous

Alexandra Jacobo (2023-12-20). Combating censorship: Pressley's bill targets discriminatory book bans as civil rights violations. In a bold move against escalating book bans, Rep. Ayanna Pressley introduces a legislative response to safeguard diversity and freedom in literature. (2023-12-20). Elon Musk's tumultuous love affair with Israel. Upon purchasing Twitter, as it was known at the time, Elon Musk promised to restore free speech to the platform; however, the Zionist lobby is attempting to force Musk to reinstitute censorship of commentary on Palestine.

WSWS (2023-12-20). Artists protest ongoing censorship of Palestinian culture in the UK. The Arnolfini Centre issued a hypocritical and deceitful statement purporting to explain its decision to exclude the Palestinian events.

Sara Flounders (2023-12-21). Pro-U.S.-Israeli October 7 propaganda unravels. Cars destroyed by heavy artillery Oct. 7. It could only be from Israeli firepower. Day after day, hundreds of news articles and video pieces in the U.S. corporate media include at least a paragraph justifying Israeli bombing. That paragraph restates that Israel is responding to the "unprovoked" October 7 attack . . . | (2023-12-21). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure. (2023-12-20). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

WSWS (2023-12-21). The "election victory" of al-Sisi in Egypt. If anything was needed in the midst of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians to reduce the human rights propaganda of the imperialist powers to absurdity, it is their partnership with the butcher of Cairo.

Ben Bartee (2023-12-20). Propaganda Roundup: Hillary Claims Climate Change‚Ñ¢ Targets Pregnant Women.

Steve Gillis (2023-12-21). Boston: Children lead pro-Palestine thousands — 'No shopping while bombs are dropping!'. Palestinian and Jewish children speak in front of Macy's department store in downtown Boston, Dec. 17, 2023. Boston Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators, led by children, youth and parents with strollers, shut down Boston's Downtown Crossing holiday shopping district on Dec. 17. They honored the 10,000-plus children of Gaza who've been . . . |

Wairimu Gathimba, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-21). Kenya At 60: Field Notes From The Neocolony. Just four years after independence, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga published Not Yet Uhuru, a seminal political treatise of the new country. 60 years after independence, and 56 years after its publication, one might argue that nothing much has changed. As a nation, we find ourselves still grappling with the question of how Kenya became free with the greater portion of the arable land controlled by a handful of owners even as millions are squatters on their ancestral land. (2023-12-21). Russian official says apartment complex on fire after Ukraine's shelling in Donetsk. An official in Russian-controlled Donetsk says Ukraine fired shells that hit an apartment complex in Donetsk city on Tuesday.

kwjorinoco (2023-12-20). President Maduro: There Must Be Justice for Palestinian People. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that the Palestinian people deserve justice. He labeled as "monstrous" the massacre suffered by Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli occupation in Gaza and denounced it as "an uncontrolled genocide." | "Humanity has to always remember who the criminals were, what crimes they committed, and sooner rather than later there must be justice," he stated on Monday, December 18, during the 30th episode of his TV program Con Maduro+. | President Maduro added that more than 7,000 children have been victims of the Israeli bombardment throughout the Gaza Strip. "This i… (2023-12-20). Russian official says apartment complex on fire after Ukraine's shelling in Donetsk. An official in Russian-controlled Donetsk says Ukraine fired shells that hit an apartment complex in Donetsk city on Tuesday.

WSWS (2023-12-20). Twenty-five years since the impeachment of Bill Clinton. We are reposting here a commentary authored by the WSWS Editorial Board and published two days after the Republican-controlled House impeached Democratic President Bill Clinton.

Drago Bosnic (2023-12-20). Latest China-EU Summit Exposes Brussels' Complete Lack of Sovereignty. EU Foreign Policy Controlled by Washington.

Sharon Zhang (2023-12-20). Report: Current Congress on Track to Pass Fewest Laws of Any Congress in Decades. The current Congress has passed the least laws of any other congressional session in modern history in its first year of operation, a new analysis finds. The 118th Congress, marked so far by utter chaos in the GOP-controlled House, has only passed 20 bills that were signed into law by President Joe Biden, according to data from data analytics company Quorum and reported by Axios. By contrast… |

2023-12-21 13:13:41 | 13:13 EST | tr | 20 | 0 | 10 | 8 | 0 

2023-12-20: News Headlines

Samir Saul, Michel Seymour (2023-12-19). 2023 in Review: Reality Makes a Forceful Comeback. Three major issues dominated 2023: the conflict in Ukraine, the economy and the conflict in Palestine. The first two upheavals began in 2022, the third in 2023. In all three cases, developments brought about a head-on collision with largely concealed realities. A mental universe built on myths, fantasies, fables, "alternative facts", and "narratives", not to mention crass ignorance, self-delusion, and conceit, smashed against the reef of the real world. The shock was brutal, akin to a hard landing, and devastating for the storytelling in which the West has become accustomed to wallowing. It has now become harder…

WSWS (2023-12-20). Artists protest ongoing censorship of Palestinian culture in the UK. The Arnolfini Centre issued a hypocritical and deceitful statement purporting to explain its decision to exclude the Palestinian events. (2023-12-20). Elon Musk's tumultuous love affair with Israel. Upon purchasing Twitter, as it was known at the time, Elon Musk promised to restore free speech to the platform; however, the Zionist lobby is attempting to force Musk to reinstitute censorship of commentary on Palestine.

Kate Horgan (2023-12-19). Project Censored Newsletter December 2023. State of the Free Press 2024 in the News State of the Free Press 2024, the 31st edition of the Project's award-winning yearbook series, officially released on December 5, 2023….

Gavin OReilly (2023-12-19). The Red Sea and False Flags? Yemen's Ansar Allah Movement Launches a Barrage of Missiles against Israel. (2023-12-20). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure. (2023-12-19). Mainstream media's Israel bias comes under pressure.

Ben Bartee (2023-12-20). Propaganda Roundup: Hillary Claims Climate Change‚Ñ¢ Targets Pregnant Women.

Michael F. Brown (2023-12-19). CNN anchor lies repeatedly about Israeli deaths of 7 October. Dana Bash is promoting Gaza onslaught and anti-Palestinian hate with erroneous information and propaganda.

Michael F. Brown (2023-12-19). CNN anchor lies repeatedly about Israeli deaths on 7 October. Dana Bash is promoting Gaza onslaught and anti-Palestinian hate with erroneous information and propaganda.

kwjorinoco (2023-12-20). President Maduro: There Must Be Justice for Palestinian People. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that the Palestinian people deserve justice. He labeled as "monstrous" the massacre suffered by Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli occupation in Gaza and denounced it as "an uncontrolled genocide." | "Humanity has to always remember who the criminals were, what crimes they committed, and sooner rather than later there must be justice," he stated on Monday, December 18, during the 30th episode of his TV program Con Maduro+. | President Maduro added that more than 7,000 children have been victims of the Israeli bombardment throughout the Gaza Strip. "This i…

Drago Bosnic (2023-12-20). Latest China-EU Summit Exposes Brussels' Complete Lack of Sovereignty. EU Foreign Policy Controlled by Washington.

WSWS (2023-12-20). Twenty-five years since the impeachment of Bill Clinton. We are reposting here a commentary authored by the WSWS Editorial Board and published two days after the Republican-controlled House impeached Democratic President Bill Clinton. (2023-12-20). Russian official says apartment complex on fire after Ukraine's shelling in Donetsk. An official in Russian-controlled Donetsk says Ukraine fired shells that hit an apartment complex in Donetsk city on Tuesday.

2023-12-20 18:09:58 | 18:09 EST | tr | 16 | 0 | 6 | 8 | 0