Author Archives: admin

2024-01-04: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-01-04). Comedian and musician Tom Smothers dies at 86: A victim of government and corporate censorship in the late 1960s. Tom Smothers demonstrated an anti-establishment streak, in relation not only to the Vietnam War but other social issues, which led CBS executives, in April 1969, to cancel The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.

Staff (2024-01-04). The Exodus to YouTube: Journalists flee mainstream media in India's challenging ecosystem. By Mohd. Ziyaullah Khan, The resonating voice of Ravish Kumar, an emblematic figure in Indian journalism, echoed on November 30, 2022, as he announced his departure from NDTV after 27 years. This pivotal moment marked a confluence of personal tribulations and the impending spectre of a hostile takeover of NDTV by an oligarch with close …

Staff (2024-01-04). The Exodus to YouTube: Journalists flee mainstream media in India's challenging ecosystem. By Mohd. Ziyaullah Khan, The resonating voice of Ravish Kumar, an emblematic figure in Indian journalism, echoed on November 30, 2022, as he announced his departure from NDTV after 27 years. This pivotal moment marked a confluence of personal tribulations and the impending spectre of a hostile takeover of NDTV by an oligarch with close …

Sasha Abramsky (2024-01-04). Early Contests Could Disrupt the Narrative That Trump Is the Inevitable Nominee. The first primaries and caucuses of the presidential election season are now just weeks away, and polls continue to show that Donald Trump is hugely outpolling his GOP rivals. In fact, his leads are so constant, and across so many states, that much of the mainstream media assume his nomination to be a fait accompli, and are focusing not on the early contests in Iowa, New Hampshire… |

Maria Paez Victor (2024-01-04). Pity the British. By Maria Paez Victor — Jan 1, 2024 | Bread and circus! That was the Roman formula for governance. The latest UK government ploy, however, omits the bread and jumps straight to circus. The UK has sent a warship that will inflame a delicate 100-plus year border dispute between two Caribbean nations, Venezuela and Guyana. | The government of the UK should be at pains to right a wrong the UK committed one hundred and twenty-four years ago. Instead, the UK is threatening Venezuela with a warship — a situation that could very quickly escalate into a regional conflict. | In 1899, as the mainstream press of th…

Larry Johnson (2024-01-04). Combatting Israel's Lies About October 7. My brother-in-law, a good man, is one of the victims of the Israeli propaganda campaign in the aftermath of the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israeli military bases and kibbutzim located outside the wall separating Israelis from the Palestinians in Gaza. Shocked and surprised by the success of the Hamas attack, the Government of Israel launched a massive, successful propaganda campaign that claimed Hamas had murdered 40 children, beheaded some of them, baked a baby in an oven and wantonly raped the alluring Israeli women. I call it a "success" because it infuriated people in the United States and Europe and…

UMMID (2024-01-04). Implication of Oct 7 Hamas attack on Zionism. The importance of this attack and the rapid collapse of the Zionist forces was a fatal blow to the Zionist propaganda that it possesses one of the best armies in the world.

WSWS (2024-01-04). Despite the cover-up, current coronavirus wave reaches new heights in Germany. In contrast to official propaganda about the end of the pandemic, COVID continues to spread and cost many lives.

John W. Whitehead, Nisha Whitehead (2024-01-04). The Government's Use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power. Figure One: Just stop a few of their machines and radios and telephones and lawn mowers…throw them into darkness for a few hours and then you just sit back and watch the pattern. Figure Two: And this pattern is always the same? Figure One: With few variations. They pick the most dangerous enemy they can …

John W. Whitehead (2024-01-04). Apocalypse Now: The Government's Use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power.

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2024-01-03: News Headlines

Wyatt Reed (2024-01-03). Washington Post erases Israeli minister's farfetched October 7 rape claim at his request. A note explaining the retraction of the claim that Hamas militants had specific orders as to "which commander should rape which soldiers" indicates the publication censored itself at the behest of the Israeli government. The Washington Post has quietly removed an outlandish claim by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant that Hamas battle plans included specific instructions on which Israeli troops should be raped during their October 7 incursion. In the original article, which was published on November 12 and promoted …

Brenda Norrell (2024-01-03). Parallel Massacres: From the Zapatistas to Wounded Knee and Gaza. Parallel Massacres: From the Zapatistas to Wounded Knee and Gaza — Censored News Most Censored 2023. The weapons flow and its tentacles in Indian country; the violations of the sacred; and the silencing of voices for Palestine at universities in the United States were among the most censored issues in 2023. The war crimes and genocide in Palestine with U.S. funds and weapons would not be possible without the complicity of the U.S. media, which has gone from lazy chair plagiarizing to becoming a government organ serving war profiteers.

Brenda Norrell (2024-01-02). Parallel Massacres: From the Zapatistas to Wounded Knee and Gaza. Parallel Massacres: From the Zapatistas to Wounded Knee and Gaza — Censored News Most Censored 2023. The weapons flow and its tentacles in Indian country; the violations of the sacred; and the silencing of voices for Palestine at universities in the United States were among the most censored issues in 2023. The war crimes and genocide in Palestine with U.S. funds and weapons would not be possible without the complicity of the U.S. media, which has gone from lazy chair plagiarizing to becoming a government organ serving war profiteers. (2024-01-02). There Can Be No Critique. Not only does censorship allow the slaughter of Palestinians to continue; it also serves as the mirror and justification for state violence.

Kate Horgan (2024-01-02). State of the Free Press 2024: A Discussion of Ongoing Censorship. Project Censored's yearly publication, State of the Free Press 2024, hit the shelves in December. The work details the many issues regarding corporate media, from the spread of news deserts…

James North, Mondoweiss. (2024-01-03). Israel Is Provoking The US Into A Conflict With Iran. For years, this site has warned that Israel, especially Benjamin Netanyahu, have tried to instigate the U.S. into a wider war in the Mideast, particularly with Iran. We've also regularly indicted the U.S. mainstream media for ignoring this danger. | Today, the threat is greater than ever. And, true to form, the New York Times, National Public Radio, and the others continue to cover it up, instead treating Netanyahu as the embattled but honest leader of an Israel that is only trying to defend itself. | For more than a decade, Netanyahu's main aim was to destroy Iran's alleged (and unproven) program to build nuclea…

Ben Armbruster (2024-01-03). Mainstream Media Wasn't Good for US Foreign Policy in 2023.

Kiji Noh, Consortium News. (2024-01-03). Pilger's Rap Sheet On The Criminal Elite. John Pilger was always on the side of the oppressed. He denounced Empire and all its violent predations — war, genocide, exploitation — as well as its endless lies and propaganda. | Till his death on Saturday, he fought tirelessly for the freedom of Julian Assange, and his last article, "We are all Spartacus," published in Consortium News, was a call to stand with the imprisoned publisher. | Pilger gave voice to the invisible and the voiceless: the hungry, the poor, the handicapped, the conscripted, the sanctioned and bombed, the dispossessed, refugees, the chemically experimented on, the structurally…

The Global Research Team (2024-01-03). New Year Donation Drive: Global Research is Committed to the "Unspoken Truth" We at Global Research extend our best wishes to everyone for 2024! | A new year has come yet our mandate is one and the same: to focus on the unspoken truth. | The burgeoning Palestinian solidarity despite of Zionist propaganda is …

Editor (2024-01-02). A Voice for the Oppressed: John Pilger, Radical Journalist and Documentarian. By KJ Noh / CounterPunch A bright star in the firmament of justice has gone out. One of the greatest journalists of our era has passed away. John Pilger was always on the side of the oppressed. He denounced Empire and all its violent predations—war, genocide, exploitation—as well as its endless lies and propaganda. Till his death, …

John Pilger (2024-01-02). Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works. John Pilger, His Legacy Will Live. "Today, the most profitable wars have their own brand. They are called 'forever wars': Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. All are based on a pack of lies." John Pilger…

A a (2024-01-02). There Is a War Coming, Shrouded in Propaganda.

RT. (2024-01-03). Iran Deploys Its Navy To The Red Sea. Iran's Alborz destroyer crossed the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and entered the Red Sea on Monday, the country's state-run IRNA and Tasnim news agencies have reported. The deployment followed a deadly encounter between US warships and Yemen's Houthi militants in the waterway on Sunday. | The Iran-affiliated Shiite group has controlled large swaths of Yemen, including the capital Sanaa and the port of Al-Hudaydah, since an internal conflict flared up back in 2014. In November, the Houthis began attacking commercial ships passing through the Red Sea, which they believe to be Israeli-owned or headed for Israel. The militan…

Larry Johnson (2024-01-02). Are Israel and the U.S. Caught In A Quagmire? We are closing in on the 3 month anniversary since Hamas launched the October 7 attack on Israeli military positions and kibbutzim that bordered the Gaza strip and Israel is no closer to destroying Hamas or freeing the hostages snatched by Hamas. Meanwhile, the United States has ordered the USS Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group to head home after patrolling the Red Sea and flexing sea-muscle in an effort to intimidate Yemen. In short, both Israel and the United States are admitting that pure military power cannot change the situation in Gaza or the Red Sea. | Let's start with the evidence that Israel is star…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-01-02). The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. "America's Third War against Iraq" initiated by Obama. The objective is to engineer a civil war in Iraq, in which both sides are controlled indirectly by US-NATO. The scenario is to arm and equip them, on both sides, finance them with advanced weapons systems and then "let them fight".

William Trollinger (2024-01-02). When the KKK Planted Bombs at the University of Dayton, Part of Its Crusade Against American Catholics. A KKK rally in Dayton, Ohio, on Sept. 21, 1923. Dayton Metro Library. It was December 19, 1923 — 100 years ago. The first day of Christmas break at the University of Dayton, with fewer than 40 students still on campus. At 10: 30 p.m., the quiet was shattered by a series of explosions, as 12

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