Author Archives: admin

2024-03-11: News Headlines

Angela (2024-03-11). Tuesday 3/12: Virtual Event: Breaking Through the Propaganda – Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party.

newarab (2024-03-11). Iraq repatriates 625 people from Syria's Al-Hol camp. Nearly 160 Iraqi families have been repatriated from Syria's More than 43,000 Syrians, Iraqis, and foreigners from at least 45 countries are held in the squalid and overcrowded camp in Kurdish-controlled northeast Syria. | Al-Hol houses relatives of suspected

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-11). Type 2 diabetes no longer a barrier to becoming a living kidney donor. ROCHESTER, Minn. — People who are overall healthy and living with well-controlled Type 2 diabetes can donate a kidney, thanks to a change in national policy. Naim Issa, M.D. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network updated its living donor criteria. It makes some people with Type 2 diabetes eligible to donate a kidney. This marks a "significant shift" in criteria for living kidney donors, says Naim Issa, M.D., Mayo Clinic transplant nephrologist. "This policy change…

2024-03-11 18:58:57 | 18:58 EST | tr | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 

2024-03-10: News Headlines

Colin Todhunter (2024-03-10). Net Zero, the Digital Panopticon and the Future of Food. The food transition, the energy transition, net-zero ideology, programmable central bank digital currencies, the censorship of free speech and clampdowns on protest. What's it all about? To understand these processes, we need to first locate what is essentially a social and economic reset within the context of a collapsing financial system. Writer Ted Reece notes …

Angela (2024-03-10). Tuesday 3/12: Virtual Event: Breaking Through the Propaganda – Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-10). Type 2 diabetes no longer a barrier to becoming a living kidney donor. ROCHESTER, Minn. — People who are overall healthy and living with well-controlled Type 2 diabetes can donate a kidney, thanks to a change in national policy. Naim Issa, M.D. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network updated its living donor criteria. It makes some people with Type 2 diabetes eligible to donate a kidney. This marks a "significant shift" in criteria for living kidney donors, says Naim Issa, M.D., Mayo Clinic transplant nephrologist. "This policy change…

1944-02-05 01:54:00 | 01:54 EST | tr | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0