Author Archives: admin

2023-03-29: News Headlines

ALA News (2023-03-28). American Library Association Reports Record Number of Demands to Censor Library Books and Materials in 2022.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-28). Fight Global Censorship: Support SouthFront. Dear Friends, | We are forced to resort to this appeal due to the unprecedented pressure on SouthFront. | As you may know SouthFront was blocked by all financial platforms/systems that are under the U.S. control. That's why we are forced to use crypto wallets to receive your donations. | Unfortunately, if we fail to draw up the minimum monthly budget, SouthFront will be forced to significantly reduce its broadcasting. | The escalation of new military conflicts and unrest in different world regions threaten our common security. Today, objective information is a valuable resource. We believe that together we are ab…

Global Research News (2023-03-29). Selected Articles: Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now? By If mass psychosis entails a detachment from reality, then Westerners in particular are suffering from mass-psychosis on myriad issues. Now …

A. B. Abrams (2023-03-28). West's False Atrocity Stories Were Key to Justifying Iraq Invasion. Interviewing Scholar A. B. Abrams on New War Propaganda Research.

Ben Bartee (2023-03-28). Art as Propaganda: The Message Embedded in Star Trek.

Mark Taliano (2023-03-28). Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now?

_____ (2023-03-29). ICC irreversibly crosses the line of legal decency. ICCis a disgrace to law in all its civilised forms. State parties should be encouraged to withdraw from it while it is still possible for them to avoid embarrassment by association. | Acting at the behest of its political controllers and paymasters, the racist International Criminal Court [ICC], whose principal activity since its founding in 2003 has been the malicious persecution of black African leaders, now, for a change, targets for judicial abuse a distinguished Eurasian figure. | Observers with an attention span of more than fifteen minutes (which would exclude the vast majority in the bamboozled Western co…

Ben Bartee (2023-03-28). Art as Propaganda: The Message Embedded in Star Trek.

Mark Taliano (2023-03-28). Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now?

_____ (2023-03-29). ICC irreversibly crosses the line of legal decency. ICCis a disgrace to law in all its civilised forms. State parties should be encouraged to withdraw from it while it is still possible for them to avoid embarrassment by association. | Acting at the behest of its political controllers and paymasters, the racist International Criminal Court [ICC], whose principal activity since its founding in 2003 has been the malicious persecution of black African leaders, now, for a change, targets for judicial abuse a distinguished Eurasian figure. | Observers with an attention span of more than fifteen minutes (which would exclude the vast majority in the bamboozled Western co…

2023-03-29 11:20:23 | 11:20 EST | tr | 15 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 0 

2023-03-28: News Headlines

ALA News (2023-03-28). American Library Association Reports Record Number of Demands to Censor Library Books and Materials in 2022.

Aaron Maté (2023-03-27). Burying key evidence, new OPCW report covers up Douma's unsolved deaths. After censoring experts who found that the victims in Douma could not have been killed by chlorine gas, the OPCW's new IIT report continues the cover-up and baselessly accuses the Syrian government. [Note: this article contains graphic images.] On April 7th 2018, gruesome images of an alleged chemical attack emerged from the Syrian town of Douma. Dozens of dead bodies, including children and infants, appeared heaped in piles inside of an apartment building. Others lay on the street in front …

Emily Drabinski (2023-03-27). When Missouri Proposed Library Censorship, Librarians Got Organized. In October 2022, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft issued a draft of a proposed state regulatory rule that would eliminate state funding to libraries that failed to comply with a list of requirements meant to restrict access to "age-inappropriate" materials that might fall into the hands of children. Among its restrictions, the proposal would require libraries to develop processes for… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-27). Jon Stewart: Corporations And Institutions Use Diversity To Pacify, Won't Tackle Deep Structural Racism. Jon Stewart was known for being hilarious when he hosted — usually looking shaken and not smiling — "The Daily Show," a satirical news program in which he claimed he was a "fake newsman." But Stewart was not kidding during his years on the show (1999—2015) and he wasn't kidding last weekend when he talked …

ALA News (2023-03-28). American Library Association Reports Record Number of Demands to Censor Library Books and Materials in 2022.

Aaron Maté (2023-03-27). Burying key evidence, new OPCW report covers up Douma's unsolved deaths. After censoring experts who found that the victims in Douma could not have been killed by chlorine gas, the OPCW's new IIT report continues the cover-up and baselessly accuses the Syrian government. [Note: this article contains graphic images.] On April 7th 2018, gruesome images of an alleged chemical attack emerged from the Syrian town of Douma. Dozens of dead bodies, including children and infants, appeared heaped in piles inside of an apartment building. Others lay on the street in front …

Emily Drabinski (2023-03-27). When Missouri Proposed Library Censorship, Librarians Got Organized. In October 2022, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft issued a draft of a proposed state regulatory rule that would eliminate state funding to libraries that failed to comply with a list of requirements meant to restrict access to "age-inappropriate" materials that might fall into the hands of children. Among its restrictions, the proposal would require libraries to develop processes for… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-27). Jon Stewart: Corporations And Institutions Use Diversity To Pacify, Won't Tackle Deep Structural Racism. Jon Stewart was known for being hilarious when he hosted — usually looking shaken and not smiling — "The Daily Show," a satirical news program in which he claimed he was a "fake newsman." But Stewart was not kidding during his years on the show (1999—2015) and he wasn't kidding last weekend when he talked …

Mark Engler, Paul Engler (2023-03-27). How movements can keep politicians from selling out. By understanding how mainstream political culture co-opts elected officials, grassroots groups can help them resist.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-27). This is rich: U.S. coup mistress decries "narrowing media environment" in…Georgia. The former advisor to a NATO combat unit in Afghanistan is truly expecting Georgians to swallow a camel on this one, while her own nation is suffering under the incubus of an FBI/CIA/Operation Mockingbird/one-party totalitarian news blackout and propaganda total war. ==== Civil GeorgiaMarch 25, 2023 Ambassador Degnan: We see the Narrowing of Media Environment …

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). To Understand Iran's 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil (Part 1). It all started in 1872, with Nasir al-Din Shah having granted to the British Baron Julius de Reuter, rights to Iran's entire economic estate. Reuter not only controlled Iran's industry, farming, and rail transportation, but also held the right to issue currency and to set up a national bank, called the Imperial Bank of Persia, which was under direct British control.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). To Understand Iran's 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil. It all started in 1872, with Nasir al-Din Shah having granted to the British Baron Julius de Reuter, rights to Iran's entire economic estate. Reuter not only controlled Iran's industry, farming, and rail transportation, but also held the right to issue currency and to set up a national bank, called the Imperial Bank of Persia, which was under direct British control.

Tara Behroozian, Daniel Goldshtein, Julie Ryan Wolf, Corina van den Hurk, Samuel Finkelstein, Henry Lam, Partha Patel, Lauren Kanee, Shing Fung Lee, Adrian Wai Chan, Henry Chun Yip Wong, Saverio Caini, Simran Mahal, Samantha Kennedy, Edward Chow, Pierluigi Bonomo, Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer Oncodermatology Study Group Radiation Dermatitis Guidelines Working Group (2023-03-27). [Review] MASCC clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and management of acute radiation dermatitis: part 1) systematic review. Acute radiation dermatitis (ARD) commonly develops in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and is often characterized by erythema, desquamation, and pain. A systematic review was conducted to summarize the current evidence on interventions for the prevention and management of ARD. Databases were searched from 1946 to September 2020 to identify all original studies that evaluated an intervention for the prevention or management of ARD, with an updated search conducted in January 2023. A total of 235 original studies were included in this review, including 149 randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

2023-03-28 07:50:39 | 07:50 EST | tr | 15 | 0 | 11 | 2 | 0