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2023-04-26: News Headlines

_____ (2023-04-26). The Unbearable Lightness of (U.S.) Censorship. Translated for SCF by Tatiana Obrenovic, based on the the We (the Serbs) might hope for better luck this time. Namely, last time when James Rubin minded the way the media reported in Serbia, the NATO bombs hit the RTS building in Aberdareva Street in Belgrade, Serbia and murdered sixteen of our colleagues. And nearly two weeks before that tragic night between the 22nd and the 23rd April in 1999, at the U.S. State De…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-04-26). Facebook Censors Seymour Hersh's Report On Nord Stream Pipeline Attack. Facebook has censored a report by the world's most famous investigative journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh, on the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline between Russia and Germany. | While discouraging its users from posting Hersh's article, Facebook instead recommends a website that is funded and partially owned by the government of NATO member Norway. | Facebook has millions of dollars worth of contracts with the US government, including with the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security. | The Nord Stream system consisted of two sets of two pipelines each (known as Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stre…

Editor (2023-04-26). Facebook Censors Journalist Seymour Hersh's Report on Nord Stream Pipeline Attack. Facebook censored a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany, forcing users to instead read a website funded and partially owned by NATO member Norway.

Editor (2023-04-26). Matt Taibbi: Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex. By Matt Taibbi / Today you'll find two new #TwitterFiles threads out,

Glenn Greenwald (2023-04-26). New U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Indictments Criminalize Dissent—Weaponizing the Very Censorship Tactics They Condemned in Russia.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-26). Why are 'Sensitive US Nuclear Technologies' in Ukraine? Drago Bosnic Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant When talking about various reasons as to why Russia launched its counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe the points usually revolve around historical and strategic/geopolitical aspects of the Ukrainian conflict. And while those points certainly stand regardless, there are other crucial reasons, almost entirely overlooked or even censored by…

Ryan Cristián (2023-04-25). Mark Skidmore PhD Interview — The COVID-19 Agenda & The Bastardization Of The Peer Review Process. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 illusion we have seen a very disconcerting wave of suppression and outright censorship, but the most concerning aspect of this was when we saw the first peer reviewed study, in unprecedented fashion, removed by the outlet's editorial team in contradiction of the peer review process and disputed by the

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-04-26). Who is Behind "Fake News"? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images. The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.

Brian Mier (2023-04-25). Western Outlets Send Warning to Lula Over Ukraine Dissent. By Brian Mier — Apr 21, 2023 | In case you were unsure how to feel about Lula's Ukraine stance, Reuters (4/17/23) sends a clue. | Former and current Brazilian President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva's brief honeymoon with US corporate media hit its first roadblock this week as a minor story repeated in Reuters and AP generated headlines in Brazil's newspapers, with its largest, O Globo, running an editorial with a thinly veiled coup threat. | After years of

Manola Secaira, Mazaska Talks . (2023-04-26). What Does Indigenous Reclamation Mean? In the past year alone, the movement led by Native communities to reclaim lands and spaces — sometimes called the "Land Back" movement — saw huge gains in mainstream momentum. | Some of that has come from rallies, like those led by Indigneous activists fighting to close Mount Rushmore. Other conversations about Native lands have been sparked by major court decisions, like the Supreme Court's landmark decision in the McGirt case in which it ruled that a large portion of Oklahoma is still Native land. And with U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland now the country's first Native secretary of the interior, many Land Back…

_____ (2023-04-26). New Defence Review Further Enslaves Australia to U.S. War Agendas. Sydney Morning Herald's Matthew Knott, most well-known for being told by former prime minister Paul Keating to "do the right thing and drum yourself out of Australian journalism" over his role in Nine Entertainment's despicable Red Alert war-with-China propaganda series, has a new propaganda piece out titled "Defence review pulls no punches: China the biggest threat we face".

Caitlin Johnstone. (2023-04-26). New Defence Review Further Enslaves Australia To US War Agendas. The Australian government has released the declassified version of its highly anticipated 2023 Defence Strategic Review (DSR), and the war propagandists are delighted. | Sydney Morning Herald's Matthew Knott, most well-known for being told by former prime minister Paul Keating to "do the right thing and drum yourself out of Australian journalism" over his role in Nine Entertainment's despicable Red Alert war-with-China propaganda series, has a new propaganda piece out titled "Defence review pulls no punches: China the biggest threat we face".

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-04-26). Is this man a Russian agent operating in the Black community of St. Louis? The Justice Department has just indicted him and three other members of the African People's Socialist Party for advancing Russian propaganda—though it looks more like the Biden administration was looking for a scapegoat to justify its anti-Russia offensive and found one in a familiar place.

Peter Certo (2023-04-26). In OtherWords: April 26, 2023. The last few weeks have seen an upsetting surge of seemingly random shootings — of teenagers knocking on doors, of cheerleaders trying to open the wrong car, and more. This week in OtherWords, The former Ithaca, New York mayor explains how pervasive propaganda about high crime and danger has led to a nation that's heavily armed, trigger-happy, and unable to make even common sense reforms to gun laws or policing. But reflecting on his own experience in office, he says it's still…

Medea Benjamin (2023-04-26). Pentagon Leaks Punch a Hole in the U.S. Propaganda War. What the documents reveal should lead to renewed calls for our government to level with the public.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-25). A Current Overview of the Conflict in Ukraine. Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein For all those who speak of missed deadlines, of slow development of combat actions, of imminent collapse of the Russian economy, of certainty in the immediate and immediate expiration dates of the Russian missile and ammunition arsenals, it must be said that this is nothing more than desperate Western propaganda aimed at…

Margaret Kimberley (2023-04-25). Chinese 'Police Stations' and War Propaganda. By Margaret Kimberley — Apr 19, 2023 | The U.S. can shoot down balloons, call names, and claim that China has "police stations" in New York City. It cannot stop the decline of its own making as it engages in war propaganda theater. | "Right now there are changes — the likes of which we haven't seen for 100 years — and we are the ones driving these changes together." President Lula da Silva of Brazil recently visited China's President Xi Jinping. French President Emmanuel Macron, Bela…

2023-04-26 21:57:35 | 21:57 EST | jz | 19 | 0 | 5 | 13 | 0 

2023-04-25: News Headlines

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-04-24). Leaks Reveal Reality behind U.S. Propaganda in Ukraine. 19 Apr 2023 – The U.S. corporate media's first response to the leaking of secret documents about the war in Ukraine was to throw some mud in the water, declare "nothing to see here," and cover it as a depoliticized crime story. President Biden dismissed the leaks as revealing nothing of "great consequence."

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-04-24). Labor Market and Mainstream Economics. Market and labor in market are crucial questions both to capital and labor. The questions have been discussed and answered by economists, from the mainstream, and also from the camp of labor. "Markets", writes Michael D. Yates in his Work Work Work: Labor, Alienation, and Class Struggle (Monthly Review Press, 2022), "act as a veil, …

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-04-24). Even as They Protest, Israeli Liberals Reject Solidarity With Palestinians. Why are liberal Israeli protesters working with Israeli police to rip down Palestinian flags whenever anti-occupation activists attempt to raise them in the context of the widespread anti-government protests in Israel? There's a structural reason why the occupation of Palestine is absent from the mainstream liberal agenda of the protests, says Israeli academic and left-wing activist Idan Landau… |

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-04-24). The Western World Has Forsaken All of Its Former Values. Let's be honest and face it. The Western countries are no longer democracies with free speech, a rule of law, and accountable governments. They are tyrannies. | Wherever you look you see free speech stifled. You see law used as a weapon against journalists like Julian Assange and an American president like Donald Trump and his supporters. The Biden regime has put one thousand Americans in prison for attending a rally for Trump by asserting without any evidence that the rally was an insurrection. The Western media is a propaganda ministry. The West's foreign policy consists of war. | Law professor Jonathan Turley…

Global Research News (2023-04-24). Selected Articles: Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is 'Unsettling' and Racist.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-04-24). Peru's Coup-Plotting Congress Has 6% Approval, 91% Disapproval (but Full US Backing). 17 Apr 2023 – Peru's coup-plotting, right-wing-controlled congress has 6% approval and 91% disapproval. Unelected leader Dina Boluarte has 15% approval and 78% disapproval. But they have the full support of the US, Canada, and foreign mining corporations.

cameron orr (2023-04-24). Building unity in the fight for reproductive justice. The following updated report was given to the National Board of the Communist Party USA on April 19th, 2023. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe last June, it said it was done with abortion cases and was leaving it to the gerrymandered state legislatures to decide on abortion law. States controlled by extreme-right GOP …

Liza Featherstone (2023-04-24). Electing union members to office is good, actually. This story originally appeared in As soon as the votes were counted in Chicago's mayoral election, declaring Brandon Johnson, a longtime Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) leader as both a rank-and-file member and staffer, the winner, the concern trolling began. Conservative and liberal pundits had questions. Or rather, one question: How could Johnson represent the "public" when he's "beholden" to the teachers'

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