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2023-04-30: News Headlines

Julia Conley (2023-04-30). Climate Protesters Stage Blockade at White House Correspondents Dinner. Members of the corporate media were greeted by hundreds of climate action organizers Saturday night as they arrived at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. for the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. Youth-led direct action group Climate Defiance staged a blockade of the event to demand that President Joe Biden fulfill his campaign promise to end fossil fuel extraction on public… |

John Perry, Jill Clark-Gollub, Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (2023-04-30). Nicaragua: A History Of US Intervention And Resistance. The latest book by labor and human rights attorney, Daniel Kovalik, Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance (2023, Clarity Press, 292 pages), is a worthy addition to the author's collection of works on countries targeted by US imperialism, such as Venezuela, Russia, and Iran. While giving readers a thoughtful and much fuller picture than one can glean from the corporate media, this volume tells an engaging tale based on personal experience and extensive research. | Dan Kovalik's love for Nicaragua is not only palpable, but very important in the telling of his story from a perspective shared by many…

scorinoco (2023-04-30). Has Nicolás Maduro Become a Neoliberal? By Thierry Deronne — Apr 28, 2023 | In various sectors of the Venezuelan opposition, in the mainstream media or in the usual middle-class "political science trotskyist" circles, a new chant is circulating. The slow exit from the Western blockade is due to the fact that Nicolas Maduro has finally "embraced capitalism" or "taken a neoliberal turn." For Alberto Barrera Tyszka of the New York Times (1), neoliberalism is even the economic arm of Maduro's "dictatorship." | The "evidence" varies: from images of posh neighborhoods in Caracas with ostentatious stores, restaurants and luxury casinos, to job offers on…

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-29). Rige veda electoral en Paraguay de cara a comicios generales. La Fiscalía de Paraguay informó que miembros de ese ente acompañaron el proceso de retiro de propaganda electoral de la vía pública en diferentes ciudades.

WSWS (2023-04-29). Dunera boys in Orange, the images and music of anti-Nazi refugees persecuted by British and Australian authorities. In World War II, Canberra signed a deal with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to incarcerate thousands of Jewish refugees from Nazi-controlled Germany, Austria and eastern Europe, in remote Australian prison camps.

ELEL (2023-04-29). Department of Error] Department of Error. Verstovsek S, Gerds AT, Vannucchi AM, et al. Momelotinib versus danazol in symptomatic patients with anaemia and myelofibrosis (MOMENTUM): results from an international, double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 study. Lancet 2023; 401: 269—80—In this Article, one patient who was counted as a responder for the secondary endpoints of transfusion independence response and splenic response should have been a non-responder according to the study protocol, because of the receipt of a prohibited anti-myelofibrosis therapy during the study period.

Julia Conley (2023-04-30). Climate Protesters Stage Blockade at White House Correspondents Dinner. Members of the corporate media were greeted by hundreds of climate action organizers Saturday night as they arrived at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. for the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. Youth-led direct action group Climate Defiance staged a blockade of the event to demand that President Joe Biden fulfill his campaign promise to end fossil fuel extraction on public… |

John Perry, Jill Clark-Gollub, Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (2023-04-30). Nicaragua: A History Of US Intervention And Resistance. The latest book by labor and human rights attorney, Daniel Kovalik, Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance (2023, Clarity Press, 292 pages), is a worthy addition to the author's collection of works on countries targeted by US imperialism, such as Venezuela, Russia, and Iran. While giving readers a thoughtful and much fuller picture than one can glean from the corporate media, this volume tells an engaging tale based on personal experience and extensive research. | Dan Kovalik's love for Nicaragua is not only palpable, but very important in the telling of his story from a perspective shared by many…

scorinoco (2023-04-30). Has Nicolás Maduro Become a Neoliberal? By Thierry Deronne — Apr 28, 2023 | In various sectors of the Venezuelan opposition, in the mainstream media or in the usual middle-class "political science trotskyist" circles, a new chant is circulating. The slow exit from the Western blockade is due to the fact that Nicolas Maduro has finally "embraced capitalism" or "taken a neoliberal turn." For Alberto Barrera Tyszka of the New York Times (1), neoliberalism is even the economic arm of Maduro's "dictatorship." | The "evidence" varies: from images of posh neighborhoods in Caracas with ostentatious stores, restaurants and luxury casinos, to job offers on…

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-29). Rige veda electoral en Paraguay de cara a comicios generales. La Fiscalía de Paraguay informó que miembros de ese ente acompañaron el proceso de retiro de propaganda electoral de la vía pública en diferentes ciudades.

WSWS (2023-04-29). Dunera boys in Orange, the images and music of anti-Nazi refugees persecuted by British and Australian authorities. In World War II, Canberra signed a deal with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to incarcerate thousands of Jewish refugees from Nazi-controlled Germany, Austria and eastern Europe, in remote Australian prison camps.

ELEL (2023-04-29). Department of Error] Department of Error. Verstovsek S, Gerds AT, Vannucchi AM, et al. Momelotinib versus danazol in symptomatic patients with anaemia and myelofibrosis (MOMENTUM): results from an international, double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 study. Lancet 2023; 401: 269—80—In this Article, one patient who was counted as a responder for the secondary endpoints of transfusion independence response and splenic response should have been a non-responder according to the study protocol, because of the receipt of a prohibited anti-myelofibrosis therapy during the study period.

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