Author Archives: admin

2023-05-06: News Headlines

Colin Todhunter (2023-05-06). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Staff (2023-05-05). Freedom to Learn: Nat'l Day of Action Targets Ron DeSantis, "Anti-Woke Cabal" over Book Bans & More. This week, protests were held across the United States against right-wing efforts to ban books and antiracism education in schools. Fourteen protesters with Florida's Dream Defenders were arrested Wednesday for staging a peaceful sit-in inside the office of Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis at the end of the state's legislative session, in which he backed efforts to ban abortion after six weeks, deny gender-affirming care for youth, roll back rent control, censor discussions of LGBTQ issues and Black history in schools, and crack down on immigrants and unions in his political crusade ag…

midwesternmarx (2023-05-05). Karl Marx: A Biographical Sketch with an Exposition of Marxism. By: V. I. Lenin. PrefaceThis article on Karl Marx, which now appears in a separate printing, was written in 1913 (as far as I can remember) for the Granat Encyclopaedia. A fairly detailed bibliography of literature on Marx, mostly foreign, was appended to the article. This has been omitted in the present edition. The editor of the Encyclopaedia, for their part, have, for censorship reasons, deleted the end of the article on Marx, namely, the section dealing with his revolutionary tactics. Unfortunate …

Ryan Cristián (2023-05-05). The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents — Episode 14. Join us on today's episode of The Pirate Stream — Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two

The Global Research Team (2023-05-05). Global Research: Calling for Peace Negotiations, Seeking and Telling the Truth. It has always been our mandate to tell and spread the truth even in the midst of censorship, working continuously to reverse the psychological effects of lies and war propaganda. | Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. Truth remains a "powerful …

Ann Brown (2023-05-05). Fact Check: People Who Are Obsessed with Celebrities Are Less Intelligent. People who are obsessed with celebrities might be less intelligent than others, one study claims. Research by Hungarian academics found that people obsessed with Hollywood gossip and A-list celebs tend not to be smart. The study was published in BMC Psychology in late 2021 and concluded that "there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poorer performance …

Zach D. Roberts (2023-05-05). The Origins and Afterlife of the Infamous John Birch Society. Long before Trump took office, a secretive group of elite conservatives conjured a paranoid, conspiratorial style of politics that would eventually go mainstream.

John Pilger (2023-05-06). We must speak up before the propagandists get their war with China. Where are the voices that speak up against fascism, war, and propaganda, asks renowned journalist John Pilger as he surveys the past decade of dirty tricks perpetrated by the United States and its allies…

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-06). Sudan: Turkey moving closer to military intervention? Daily SabahMay 6, 2023 Sudan's warring sides exchange blame for attack on Turkish envoy The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary and the Sudanese army exchanged blame for the recent attack on the vehicle of the Turkish ambassador in Khartoum. *** Claiming that the area where the attack was carried out was controlled by the military, …

ELEL (2023-05-06). Department of Error] Department of Error. Chamberlain JM, Kapur J, Shinnar S, et al. Efficacy of levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate for established status epilepticus by age group (ESETT): a double-blind, responsive-adaptive, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2020; 395: 1217—24—For this Article, Angela Lumba-Brown's name has been corrected in the list of Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network investigators and in the appendix. This correction has been made to the online version as of May 4, 2023.

Mark Fiore (2023-05-05). Silence Dissent With Decorum(tm). The beautiful state of Montana isn't usually featured very prominently in the news. It will be getting much more attention now given the outrageous, anti-democratic moves of the Republican-controlled state legislature.

2023-05-06 23:43:12 | 23:43 EST | tr | 13 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 0 

2023-05-05: News Headlines

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-05-05). The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists' "Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy" and Their Censorship Regime.

WSWS (2023-05-04). Members of Zelensky's party introduce internet censorship bill. The increasingly repressive and ever more openly dictatorial measures taken by the government are no doubt motivated above all by growing popular opposition to the war.

Staff (2023-05-04). Greenpeace USA Wins Free Speech Battle Against Canadian Logging Giant's $100M SLAPP Lawsuit. A judge in California has dismissed a seven-year $100 million lawsuit against Greenpeace USA that threatened the group's existence. Canadian logging giant Resolute Forest Products sued Greenpeace in the United States and Canada for defamation after the group exposed the company's irresponsible practices, part of a pattern of corporations attempting to use the burdens of the legal process to intimidate, exhaust and censor activists. Known as SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits, they are increasingly being used by the rich and powerful to silence critics. We are joined by De…

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-05-05). The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists' "Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy" and Their Censorship Regime.

WSWS (2023-05-04). Members of Zelensky's party introduce internet censorship bill. The increasingly repressive and ever more openly dictatorial measures taken by the government are no doubt motivated above all by growing popular opposition to the war.

Staff (2023-05-04). Greenpeace USA Wins Free Speech Battle Against Canadian Logging Giant's $100M SLAPP Lawsuit. A judge in California has dismissed a seven-year $100 million lawsuit against Greenpeace USA that threatened the group's existence. Canadian logging giant Resolute Forest Products sued Greenpeace in the United States and Canada for defamation after the group exposed the company's irresponsible practices, part of a pattern of corporations attempting to use the burdens of the legal process to intimidate, exhaust and censor activists. Known as SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits, they are increasingly being used by the rich and powerful to silence critics. We are joined by De…

John Catalinotto, Workers World. (2023-05-04). Sudan: Popular Movement Demands Civilian Rule. Reports from Sudan's largest seaport, Port Sudan, located on the Red Sea, describe a chaotic scene of thousands of migrant workers and their families attempting to leave the country in order to escape a conflict between two military factions fighting for control of the government. | The corporate media in Europe and the United States confine their coverage to describing the suffering of civilians and the numbers killed. Their analysis is limited to dissecting the personalities of the two generals commanding the two opposing military forces: Gen. Abdelfattah al-Burhan, who commands the army, and his one-time ally…

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-04). AOC Blasts Corporate Media for "Disgusting" Coverage of Killing of Jordan Neely. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has condemned corporate media for peddling right-wing narratives surrounding the horrific killing of Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old Black man who a white man choked to death on a New York City subway on Monday. As videos and photos of the incident show, the man, who has been identified as a 24-year-old former Marine, placed Neely in a chokehold after Neely… |

Rhoda Wilson (2023-05-04). Truths that should terrify the Life out of you. Where do most of your medicines come from? Has corporate media in the US become part of the federal government? Has Google become our enemy? Are climate fanatics in the UK trying …

Staff (2023-05-05). Chapeando: El delito de viajar a Cuba y otro fake news amenazante (+ Podcast). Ya regresaron a sus países muchos de los sindicalistas del mundo que vienen cada año a la celebración del Primero de Mayo. Y algunos están pagando por hacerlo, como los jóvenes norteamericanos. A pesar de que tenían permisos para estos viajes. Paralelamente, las fuerzas anticubanas están articulándose en una nueva campaña: el mandato es atacar la cooperación Cuba – Rusia.

Staff (2023-05-04). Video: "The Canada Files" highlights Ottawa Liberation Conference and Zionist attacks. Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, spoke with The Canada Files' Editor-in-Chief Aidan Jonah about the Ottawa Liberation Conference (28-30 April) and attacks on it by Zionist organizations and mainstream media. Watch this video to learn about the planning process, the organizers' response to a National Post hit piece, what happened …

Gordon Duff (2023-05-04). Willful Ignorance Has Killed America, It Just Doesn't Know it Yet. A recent set of scandals involving the Supreme Court of the United States has rocked the nation. However, these scandals are years old, all pushed off the mainstream news and social media by powerful organizations. Four of nine justices are involved, Thomas, Roberts, Kavanaugh and former Justice Scalia. Sources tell us two more are involved and that powerful oligarchs such as Elon Musk are being looked at as well. We begin. | A story tying Justice Clarence Thomas to a worldwide pedophile ring was published in varying media, including by Democratic Party publicists at Mideas Touch Network on or around April 10, 20…

Ted Snider (2023-05-04). Russia's Military Performance Doesn't Match the Propaganda.

Anonymous103 (2023-05-04). Ukrainian Bayraktar Targeted Kiev's Maidan: Another Propaganda Act Or Russian Hackers In Action? Click to see full-size image | While the Kiev regime failed to assure the world that Russian forces allegedly attacked the Kremlin, it decided to launch another drone attack. This time, the target was the main square of the Ukrainian capital, Maidan in Kiev. | On the evening of May 4, Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 drone was shot down over Kiev. The show was staged in the city center. | The wreckage fell on a house and caused a fire. |

ELEL (2023-05-06). Department of Error] Department of Error. Chamberlain JM, Kapur J, Shinnar S, et al. Efficacy of levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate for established status epilepticus by age group (ESETT): a double-blind, responsive-adaptive, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2020; 395: 1217—24—For this Article, Angela Lumba-Brown's name has been corrected in the list of Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network investigators and in the appendix. This correction has been made to the online version as of May 4, 2023.

Emanuel Fryk, Vagner Ramon Rodrigues Silva, Marco Bauzá-Thorbràºgge, Martin Schmelz, Li-Ming Gan, Lena Strindberg, Per-Anders Jansson (2023-05-04). Articles] Feasibility of high-dose tadalafil and effects on insulin resistance in well-controlled patients with type 2 diabetes (MAKROTAD): a single-centre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over phase 2 trial. High-dose tadalafil does not decrease whole-body insulin resistance, but increases microcirculation, induces positive effects in the liver and in intermediate metabolites, in parallel with an improved metabolic control measured as HbA1c. High-dose tadalafil is moderately well tolerated, warranting larger trials to define the optimal treatment regimen in T2D.

2023-05-05 04:56:53 | 04:56 EST | tr | 19 | 0 | 13 | 3 | 1