Author Archives: admin

2023-05-10: News Headlines

Peter Koenig (2023-05-10). Limits to Growth, Climate Change, Digitization of Everything and Worldwide Censorship — All Leading to WEF and the Behemoth Cult Commanding It.

Kit Klarenberg (2023-05-09). Did Intel-Linked Dataminr Play Sinister Role in Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression? How a CIA-linked social media spying tool may have been used to monitor, censor, suppress, and even ban anyone who liked, linked, or commented on the Biden Hunter laptop story.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-09). The Warmongering U.S. Empire is Crashing, the Lying Western Media's Days are Numbered. Finian Cunningham, Bruce Gagnon and Daniel Lazarre The Western mainstream media have never been so blatant in their propaganda for the U.S. empire. The pretensions are threadbare. As the warmongering U.S. government/regime and its Western/NATO imperialist lackeys are becoming more exposed and desperate to maintain credibility, so too are their media tools. The likes of…

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-05-09). Defiant Cuba Celebrates May Day. Mainstream reports on this past May Day celebration in Cuba leave out a key element: the imperialist economic and financial blockade.

infobrics (2023-05-10). Why American and Kiev regime media keep insisting Russian 'Kinzhal' hypersonic missile was shot down?>. The political West is decades behind Russia in hypersonic weapons development, so this propaganda story accomplishes at least two objectives — promotes US-made air defenses after humiliating failures and "tarnishes" the reputation of Russian hypersonic missiles.

Rania Khalek (2023-05-10). North Korea Truth & Lies: Challenging the Propaganda, w/ Ju-Hyun Park. In the U.S. we're taught that North Korea is a horrible backwards dictatorship where every person is captive to an evil regime run by a mad man who has an inexplicable hatred of the U.S., freedom and democracy — and is always on the edge of launching a nuclear missile to destroy the world. | This, we're told, is the reason we have to isolate the country and occupy South Korea with thousands of U.S. soldiers. The purpose of such a simplistic narrative is to prevent Americans from getting curious about what's really happening there. | Why is North Korea so closed off? What's the relevant history of that regio…

Editor (2023-05-10). U.S. hands off Haiti! Reparations now! By any account the situation in Haiti is desperate. What the U.S. has done to Haiti in the past, as well as its current maneuvers, has devastated the country. Most people in Haiti have no access to clean water, which is essential to controlling cholera. While the disease had . . . |

2023-05-10 21:49:41 | 21:49 EST | tr | 11 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 0 

2023-05-09: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-05-09). Stop the censorship of the IYSSE anti-war meeting at Goethe University in Frankfurt! The Evangelical Student Community is attempting to illegally cancel the room it rented to the IYSSE on the Westend campus, justifying this by citing the youth organization's anti-war positions.

Kit Klarenberg (2023-05-09). Did Intel-Linked Dataminr Play Sinister Role in Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression? How a CIA-linked social media spying tool may have been used to monitor, censor, suppress, and even ban anyone who liked, linked, or commented on the Biden Hunter laptop story.

Project Censored (2023-05-08). Demanding Accountability From Chevron with Steven Donzinger and the Struggle of Frontline Community Journalists with Matilda Bliss and Veronica Coit. On this week's Project Censored Show, Eleanor Goldfield recently spoke attorney Steven Donziger — the man caught in the crosshairs of one of the largest corporations in the world, Chevron…

JANET (2023-05-08). Sudan: Popular movement demands civilian rule. By John Catalinotto May 2, 2023 April 30 ‚àí Reports from Sudan's largest seaport, Port Sudan, located on the Red Sea, describe a chaotic scene of thousands of migrant workers and their families attempting to leave the country in order to escape a conflict between two military factions fighting for control of the government. Sudan borders seven other African countries and the Red Sea. The Blue Nile and White Nile rivers meet in its capital, Khartoum. The corporate media in Europe and the United States confine their coverage to describing the suffering of civilians and the numbers killed. Their…

Ann Brown (2023-05-08). Fact Check: Investigator Eunice Hunton Carter Played Key Role in Taking Down Mob Pioneer Lucky Luciano. Charles "Lucky" Luciano was an Italian-born gangster who operated mainly in the United States. He was also the first official boss of the modern Genovese crime family. And it was a Black female investigator named Eunice Hunton Carter who helped bring down Luciano, the most important Mafia crime boss in New York City at the …

Staff (2023-05-08). The Coronation Not Seen on TV: Anti-Monarchists Arrested; Slavery & Colonization Reparations Demanded. Police in England arrested at least 52 people Saturday around the coronation of King Charles, including numerous anti-monarchy activists who say they were detained before they even started protesting. Charles and his wife Camilla were crowned king and queen in a lavish ceremony at Westminster Abbey that is expected to cost over £100 million, or about $125 million USD, taking place against the backdrop of a severe cost-of-living crisis in the U.K. Despite growing disinterest in the monarchy, criticism of the institution has been very "muted" in the mainstream U.K. media, says Priya Gopal, Cambrid…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-08). Lula calls for Assange's release in London, reiterating calls by leaders globally. Speaking to journalists in London, Brazil's Lula pulled no punches when criticizing the mainstream media's lack of organized efforts to defend Assange and demand his freedom… (2023-05-09). End of COVID-19 global health emergency doesn't mean leaving epidemic unattended: Chinese health authority. The end of the COVID-19 global health emergency does not mean leaving the epidemic unattended but shows that hazards caused by the epidemic can be effectively controlled with current capabilities.

Julia Conley (2023-05-08). Iowa becomes second GOP-controlled state this year to pass repeal of child labor protections. This story originally appeared in Along with passing

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-08). NATO Air Units on High Alert After Near Miss Between Russian and Polish Aircraft. NATO has put its air units on high alert following a near miss between Russian and Polish aircraft, Reuters reported Monday. A NATO official said that on Friday, a Polish jet patrolling over the Black Sea near Romania for the EU's border agency, known as Frontex, had a dangerous encounter with a Russian aircraft. "NATO …

2023-05-09 22:19:40 | 22:19 EST | tr | 14 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 0