Author Archives: admin

2023-07-03: News Headlines

Staff (2023-07-03). How They Brought Down Corbyn — Asa Winstanley & Lowkey. Lowkey catches up with Associate Editor of Electronic Intifada Asa Winstanley to discuss his new book: Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn. Please support independent media and join the new MintPress campaign on Indiegogo here:… Support independent watchdog journalism! MintPress News: Twitter: Instagram: Telegram Broadcasting:

_____ (2023-07-03). Ukraine Timeline Tells the Story. Without historical context, buried by corporate media, it's impossible to understand Ukraine. Historians will tell the story. But the Establishment hits back at journalists, like at CN, who try to tell it now. | By Joe LAURIA | The way to prevent understanding of the Ukraine war is to suppress its history. | A cartoon version says the conflict began in February 2022 when Vladimir Putin woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine. | There was no other cause, according to this version, other than unprovoked, Russian aggression against an innocent country. | Please use this short, historical guide to share wit…

thecommunists (2023-07-03). Why does Russia now believe that Covid-19 was a US-created bioweapon? Western mainstream media reporting of chemical, biological and genetic experimentation, 'biosecurity' and bioweapons has become so integral to the information war that it has become hard to disentangle fact from fiction, and truth from psychological operation, even for those with sound political instincts and a healthy scepticism. Yet the war in Ukraine is shedding some …

_____ (2023-07-03). Atrocity Propaganda in Modern Warfare. 2 Jul 2023 – Atrocity Propaganda from World War I to the Ukraine War…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-03). "Moscow Maidan", "Attempted Coup d'Etat" against Putin? There Never Was A Plan, The M-4 Rostov-Moscow Highway. There was a hype in propaganda and US political statements against President Putin. | Putin knew about it before it happened. He was briefed by Russia's Ministry of Defense and the FSB. | US intel had advanced knowledge of Prigozhin's intent. | "U.S. …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-03). "Moscow Maidan", "Attempted Coup d'Etat" against Putin? There Never Was A Plan. There was a hype in propaganda and US political statements against President Putin. | Putin knew about it before it happened. He was briefed by Russia's Ministry of Defense and the FSB. | US intel had advanced knowledge of Prigozhin's intent. | "U.S. …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-03). Mayo Clinic researchers pioneer AI method to predict how cells are organized in disease microenvironments. Cells in the human body, the building blocks of life, are arranged in a precise way. That's necessary because pathways and spaces provide a means for cells to communicate, collaborate and function within the specific tissue or organ. Changes in cell arrangement can lead to uncontrolled cell growth, cell death and diseases, including cancer. Scientists at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed an artificial intelligence method, called Spatially Informed Artificial…

teleSUR (2023-07-03). Climate Activists Protested in Front of the Florence Baptistery. On Monday, a group of climate activists threw tomato sauce in front of the doors of the Baptistry of the Florence Cathedral, without damaging the monument. | RELATED: | The five members of the Last Generation (Ultima Generazione) organization poured the sauce on themselves and unfurled a banner in front of Lorenzo Ghiberti's Gates of Paradise, as hundreds of tourists strolled through the monumental square. | Although the ground was stained, the t…

WSWS (2023-07-03). The US Supreme Court's rampage against democratic rights. The unelected justices, with lifetime appointments, are a critical part of a thoroughly anti-democratic political system controlled by the financial aristocracy.

2023-07-03 22:19:39 | 22:19 EST | tr | 11 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 

2023-07-02: News Headlines

Manlio Dinucci (2023-07-01). La Russia Resiste L'Europa in Sfacelo | Grandangolo — Pangea. L' 'ammutinamento' della compagnia militare privata Wagner non ha provocato lo sfacelo della Russia, annunciato e auspicato dal mainstream politico-mediatico dell'Occidente. Il Presidente Putin ha dichiarato che "la stragrande maggioranza dei combattenti e dei comandanti del gruppo Wagner sono patrioti …

Manlio Dinucci (2023-07-01). Russia Resists, Europe Crumbles. Manlio Dinucci. The "mutiny" of the private military company Wagner did not cause the collapse of Russia, as it was announced and hoped for by the Western political media mainstream. President Putin said that "the overwhelming majority of fighters and commanders of …

Larry Johnson (2023-07-02). The Myth of the Ukrainian Stalemate. Many leaders in the West now are pushing the propaganda theme of an inevitable stalemate in the Ukraine war. In other words, Ukraine will fight Russia to a stand still….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-02). Mayo Clinic researchers pioneer AI method to predict how cells are organized in disease microenvironments. Cells in the human body, the building blocks of life, are arranged in a precise way. That's necessary because pathways and spaces provide a means for cells to communicate, collaborate and function within the specific tissue or organ. Changes in cell arrangement can lead to uncontrolled cell growth, cell death and diseases, including cancer. Scientists at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed an artificial intelligence method, called Spatially Informed Artificial…

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-01). Examining the Disqualification of 3 Opposition Pre-Candidates from Holding Public Office in Venezuela. The Venezuelan opposition is currently making preparations to conduct primary elections aimed at selecting a unified candidate for the forthcoming presidential elections in 2024. However, three of the potential candidates within the opposition have been disqualified from holding public office as decreed by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic. The individuals affected by the ban include María Corina Machado, Freddy Superlano, and Henrique Capriles, who, despite being aware of their disqualification, have proceeded to register as pre-candidates for the opposition primaries. | However, due to their…

Staff (2023-07-01). Venezuela's Comptroller General Office Ratifies María Corina Machado's Electoral Disqualification (+ Gustavo Petro). Caracas ( María Corina Machado, leader of the far-right party Vente Venezuela, was disqualified from holding public office in July 2015 for not reporting money she had received while she was a deputy of the National Assembly, an accusation that she denies. Machado has not presented evidence t…

WSWS (2023-07-01). Strike by 2,500 grocery workers at Minnesota Lunds & Byerlys called off as UFCW and company announce tentative agreement. L&B workers can win this fight, but only if this struggle is taken out of the grips of the union and the company and securely controlled by workers themselves through the formation of rank-and-file committees.

WSWS (2023-07-01). Florida Governor Ron DeSantis campaigns on "shoot on sight" anti-immigrant policy. In his first major policy, DeSantis boasted that as president he would change the "rules of engagement" to allow police and military units patrolling the border to use "deadly force" against immigrants.

2023-07-02 11:08:07 | 11:08 EST | tr | 10 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 0