Project Censored (2023-07-24). Police Accountability / Global Women for Peace United Against NATO Conference. On this week's Project Censored Show: In the first half of the program, host Eleanor Goldfield speaks with investigative reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis. They talk about police accountability…
WSWS (2023-07-24). Stop the censorship of socialist students at Macquarie University! The IYSSE is being targeted because it "is the only organization that advances a genuine anti-war perspective based on the unification of the international working class against the capitalist nation-state system."
_____ (2023-07-24). Congressional Testimony of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Weaponization of the US Federal Government. 21 Jul 2023 – The hearing examined the federal government's role in censoring North Americans, the Missouri v. Biden case, and Big Tech's collusion with out-of-control government agencies to silence free speech on social media.
Editor (2023-07-23). Young People Should Oppose the Kids Online Safety Act.
By Jason Kelley / Electronic Frontier Foundation Next week, Congress plans to move a bill forward that is opposed by dozens of organizations, digital rights protectors, LGBTQ+ activists, and human rights defenders: the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). As we've written before, KOSA would lead to censorship and privacy invasions for all social media users. But the most …
Ali Abunimah (2023-07-23). UK union cancels "Weaponising Anti-Semitism" book launch. Senior leaders of Unite accused of political censorship.
Adam Johnson, The Real News Network. (2023-07-24). Chasing Clicks Through Ad Money, Media Does PR For Amazon. Every year, America's corporate media celebrates the coming of that most sacred and deal-laden of holidays, so-called Amazon "Prime Day." The media fanfare around Prime Day is such a staple that it has become a perennial strategic rallying point for Amazon workers trying to draw attention to Amazon's low wages, unsafe working conditions, and aggressive anti-union corporate culture. These are year-round problems that ramp up to 11 during the taxing and brutal period before, during, and after Prime Day, when workers are pressured into long hours, exposed to high temperatures, and given impossible performance metric…
Julie Hollar (2023-07-24). Covering 'Racist State' backlash—but not the reality that Israel is a racist state.
When Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D.—Wash.) called Israel a "racist state" at the Netroots Nation conference, corporate media dutifully covered the political backlash—but scrupulously avoided evaluating the veracity of Jayapal's statement.
_____ (2023-07-24). Goodness Gracious, David Ignatius: The Light at the End of the Tunnel. By Melvin GOODMAN"The thing about tunnels is that if you keep moving through them, darkness eventually gives way to light." | — David Ignatius, Washington Post, July 19, 2023 | "The light at the end of the tunnel is just the light of an oncoming train." | — Robert Lowell | The Washington Post's senior international affairs columnist, David Ignatius, is one of the leading stenographers in the mainstream media. He has excellent sources in the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency because he reliably and accurately reports their briefings and so-called leaks to influence public perceptions. His mo…
Shealeigh Voitl (2023-07-24). How Corporate News Distorts Gun Violence. In Chicago as elsewhere, mainstream outlets regularly omit stories of people living in close proximity to gun violence.
Tamara Pearson (2023-07-23). Mexico's Migrant Shelters Are Operating at 900% Capacity Due to US Border Policy. Thousands of migrants are sleeping on the streets of Mexico, waiting to get an appointment for an interview at the U.S. border, only to be deported back to dangerous and impossible living conditions. Since the pandemic border measure Title 42 ended in early May, English-language mainstream media has emphasized that fewer people are trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. But the need to migrate… |
_____ (2023-07-24). If Everybody's Going to Join NATO, Then Why Have the United Nations?
Join us on , , and . | Dear friends, | Greetings from the desk of The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) hel…
teleSUR (2023-07-23). Syria to Receive People With Chronic Diseases From Rebel Areas. The Syrian military stood ready to open crossings for patients from rebel-held regions to seek medical treatment in government-controlled areas. | RELATED: | Citing Idlib Governor Thaer Salhab, Syrian Al-Watan newspaper on Sunday reported that the government forces would open the crossings for cancer patients, including children, and other people with chronic diseases. | His remarks came after media reports circulat…