Author Archives: admin

2023-07-23: News Headlines

Editor (2023-07-23). Young People Should Oppose the Kids Online Safety Act. By Jason Kelley / Electronic Frontier Foundation Next week, Congress plans to move a bill forward that is opposed by dozens of organizations, digital rights protectors, LGBTQ+ activists, and human rights defenders: the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). As we've written before, KOSA would lead to censorship and privacy invasions for all social media users. But the most …

Ali Abunimah (2023-07-23). UK union cancels "Weaponising Anti-Semitism" book launch. Senior leaders of Unite accused of political censorship.

WSWS (2023-07-22). Statement from Brazil opposes censorship of IYSSE at Sydney's Macquarie University. "Macquarie's management sees the IYSSE anti-war campaign as a risk to its multiple connections with the military industrial sector, and has felt emboldened amid the establishment's militaristic campaign."

Paul Larudee (2023-07-22). Free Press, Propaganda and Censorship. In war, truth is the first casualty. — Aeschylus, Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC — 456 BC) How many of us learn about Russia from a Russian point of view? Or about Syria from a loyal Syrian? Or Cuba from a Cuban supporter? Or Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, China or many others on our current …

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-07-22). House Judiciary Committee Report Reveals How FBI Schemed with Ukrainian Intelligence Services to Censor Social Media Accounts of American Journalists and Even State Department Officials. Among the corrupting aspects of the Ukraine War has been the further erosion of democratic standards in the U.S. On July 10, the House Committee on the Judiciary and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government issued an interim staff report detailing how the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) worked with the Security …

Adam Johnson (2023-07-22). Chasing clicks through ad money, media does PR for Amazon while ignoring human costs of 'Prime Day Deals'. Every year, America's corporate media celebrates the coming of that most sacred and deal-laden of holidays, so-called Amazon "Prime Day." The media fanfare around Prime Day is such a staple that it has become a perennial strategic

_____ (2023-07-22). A wave of fake news about famine in today's North Korea. In the second half of June 2023, a wave of claims hit the world media that North Korea was allegedly experiencing a famine comparable to the Arduous March of the 1990s. A BBC article supposedly based on covert interviews with anonymous sources straight from North Korea (DPRK) and a documentary film based on the same […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Tamara Pearson (2023-07-23). Mexico's Migrant Shelters Are Operating at 900% Capacity Due to US Border Policy. Thousands of migrants are sleeping on the streets of Mexico, waiting to get an appointment for an interview at the U.S. border, only to be deported back to dangerous and impossible living conditions. Since the pandemic border measure Title 42 ended in early May, English-language mainstream media has emphasized that fewer people are trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. But the need to migrate… |

_____ (2023-07-22). Ter-se-a o estilo de vida demente e acionado a drogas de Hunter Biden tornado simbolo da sociedade ocidental? Fomos todos apanhados nesse pesadelo conhecido como governo Biden. O melhor que todos podemos fazer agora é aguentar o tranco. | Há crianàßas/jovens que por mais que queimem os dedos nà£o conseguem resistir a tocar no cachimbo de crack novamente, e de novo, e de novo… Esse é o caso (parece) do mais deplorável usuário de drogas dos Estados Unidos, Hunter Biden, filho pródigo do país e aspirante a garoto-propaganda do early intervention treatment*, se pelo menos tivesse sido administrado. | *early intervention treatment -Abordagem proativa para lidar com problemas de abuso de substâncias antes que se…

teleSUR (2023-07-23). Syria to Receive People With Chronic Diseases From Rebel Areas. The Syrian military stood ready to open crossings for patients from rebel-held regions to seek medical treatment in government-controlled areas. | RELATED: | Citing Idlib Governor Thaer Salhab, Syrian Al-Watan newspaper on Sunday reported that the government forces would open the crossings for cancer patients, including children, and other people with chronic diseases. | His remarks came after media reports circulat…

ELEL (2023-07-22). Department of Error] Department of Error. Agarwal N, Azad AA, Carles J, et al. Talazoparib plus enzalutamide in men with first-line metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (TALAPRO-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2023; 402: 291—303—In table 3 of this Article, the number of patients with an adverse event resulting in dose interruption should have been 247 (62%) for talazoparib and 156 (39%) for enzalutamide in the talazoparib plus enzalutamide group, and 84 (21%) for placebo and 78 (19%) for enzalutamide in the placebo plus enzalutamide group.

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2023-07-22: News Headlines

Paul Larudee (2023-07-22). Free Press, Propaganda and Censorship. In war, truth is the first casualty. — Aeschylus, Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC — 456 BC) How many of us learn about Russia from a Russian point of view? Or about Syria from a loyal Syrian? Or Cuba from a Cuban supporter? Or Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, China or many others on our current …

WSWS (2023-07-22). Statement from Brazil opposes censorship of IYSSE at Sydney's Macquarie University. "Macquarie's management sees the IYSSE anti-war campaign as a risk to its multiple connections with the military industrial sector, and has felt emboldened amid the establishment's militaristic campaign."

Dr. William Makis (2023-07-21). Censored: UFC Fighters Are Exposing COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injuries and Deaths.

Editor (2023-07-21). Congressional Testimony of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The hearing examined the federal government's role in censoring Americans, the Missouri v. Biden case, and Big Tech's collusion with out-of-control government agencies to silence speech.

Nolan Higdon, Mickey Huff, Project Censored. (2023-07-21). Mandatory Media Literacy Education Could Be Coming To California Schools. California is currently considering two media literacy bills, both of which have sailed through the California State Assembly and are being reviewed by the Senate Education Committee. The first, Assembly Bill 873, authored by Assemblymember Marc Berman, D-Menlo Park, requires teaching media literacy in K-12 schools throughout the Golden State. The Second bill, sponsored by Jesse Gabriel (D-Woodland), Assembly Bill 787, mandates schools to implement curriculum at every grade level and relies on a more informed and civically engaged society. As part of these efforts, the bill seeks input from teachers, tech experts…

Ryan Cristián (2023-07-21). Biden Admits "COVID Policy" Permanent, Censoring A Censorship Hearing & Docs Expose Biden Corruption. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/21/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

_____ (2023-07-22). Ter-se-a o estilo de vida demente e acionado a drogas de Hunter Biden tornado simbolo da sociedade ocidental? Fomos todos apanhados nesse pesadelo conhecido como governo Biden. O melhor que todos podemos fazer agora é aguentar o tranco. | Há crianàßas/jovens que por mais que queimem os dedos nà£o conseguem resistir a tocar no cachimbo de crack novamente, e de novo, e de novo… Esse é o caso (parece) do mais deplorável usuário de drogas dos Estados Unidos, Hunter Biden, filho pródigo do país e aspirante a garoto-propaganda do early intervention treatment*, se pelo menos tivesse sido administrado. | *early intervention treatment -Abordagem proativa para lidar com problemas de abuso de substâncias antes que se…

_____ (2023-07-21). Historical Falsification in the Service of Pro-War Propaganda. In its latest foray into the realm of historical falsification, the New York Times on Tuesday published a news analysis pinning the blame for World War II on the Soviet Union. The lengthy article authored by Andrew E. Kramer, entitled "A Current War Collides with the Past: Remnants of World War II in Ukraine," makes no mention of either the Holocaust or the Nazi war of annihilation against the Soviet people.

Anonymous767 (2023-07-21). Kyiv PR Unit Has Hard Time Denying Reality. A screenshot from the video | Pro-Kyiv propaganda machine has a well documented history of denying reality and pushing forward fake explanations of key developments that surrounds the conflict on the territory once known as Ukraine. This propaganda easily uses conflicting conceptions and ignores facts demonstrating unprecedented level of hypocrisy. | Western diplomats, MSM outlets and their minor friends operating under the Kyiv regime simultaneously claim that the Russians fight with wooden sticks and complain ab…

thecommunists (2023-07-21). Donetsk communist leader: 'No democracy in Ukraine'. Steve Sweeney interviews Boris Litinov, head of the Donetsk republican branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Topics discussed range from Comrade Litinov's views on the split in the international communist movement over the war in Ukraine, his thoughts on the effect of western propaganda on the communist and trade union organisations in …

ELEL (2023-07-22). Department of Error] Department of Error. Agarwal N, Azad AA, Carles J, et al. Talazoparib plus enzalutamide in men with first-line metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (TALAPRO-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2023; 402: 291—303—In table 3 of this Article, the number of patients with an adverse event resulting in dose interruption should have been 247 (62%) for talazoparib and 156 (39%) for enzalutamide in the talazoparib plus enzalutamide group, and 84 (21%) for placebo and 78 (19%) for enzalutamide in the placebo plus enzalutamide group.

Chris Walker (2023-07-21). Alabama GOP Defies Supreme Court Order to Pass Maps Empowering Black Voters. The Republican-controlled Alabama state legislature is set to defy a mandate from the U.S. Supreme Court and other appellate courts by passing a new congressional map that will only include one majority-Black district. After the last census, Alabama passed new maps that "packed" Black voters in the state within a single district. A federal court ruled last year that the map in question was unfair… |

ELEL (2023-07-22). Department of Error] Department of Error. Agarwal N, Azad AA, Carles J, et al. Talazoparib plus enzalutamide in men with first-line metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (TALAPRO-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2023; 402: 291—303—In table 3 of this Article, the number of patients with an adverse event resulting in dose interruption should have been 247 (62%) for talazoparib and 156 (39%) for enzalutamide in the talazoparib plus enzalutamide group, and 84 (21%) for placebo and 78 (19%) for enzalutamide in the placebo plus enzalutamide group.

Chris Walker (2023-07-21). Alabama GOP Defies Supreme Court Order to Pass Maps Empowering Black Voters. The Republican-controlled Alabama state legislature is set to defy a mandate from the U.S. Supreme Court and other appellate courts by passing a new congressional map that will only include one majority-Black district. After the last census, Alabama passed new maps that "packed" Black voters in the state within a single district. A federal court ruled last year that the map in question was unfair… |

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