Monthly Archives: July 2024

2024-07-16: News Headlines

(2024-07-16). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Unicorn Riot. (2024-07-16). Milwaukee Republican National Convention Opens With Protest March. Milwaukee, WI — The 2024 Republican National Convention opens Monday morning with downtown sealed behind fences and barricades, forming a large security perimeter. On opening day, the Coalition to March on the RNC is set to take the streets near the inner security zone downtown controlled by the Secret Service. The Poor People's Army (aka Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign) is also slated to march on Monday. Unicorn Riot is planning to cover events live at the beginning of the convention as conditions permit — support our coverage here. | Protesters have faced difficulties getting their mess…

Kate Horgan (2024-07-16). America's Media Literacy Deficit: Navigating Elections and Generational Divides. Mickey's guest for the hour is media scholar Nolan Higdon. They discuss how the principles of critical media literacy could help the public make sense of the current, chaotic election season in the US, and also how the divide and contrasting worldviews between the older and younger generations can be…

2024-07-16 22:04:18 | tr | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 

2024-07-14: News Headlines

Mitchell Plitnick, Mondoweiss. (2024-07-14). Biden Or Not, US Policy On Palestine Stays The Same. With four months left until the elections in the United States, other issues are falling off the media radar. One might think that the genocide in Gaza had ended, as the coverage of it in mainstream media has fallen off dramatically. | But Israel has been escalating its attacks, openly targeting schools, dropping bombs on children playing soccer, and moving hundreds of thousands of largely homeless Palestinians from one place to another and bombing all of it. | Meanwhile, American attention has moved inward, debating whether or not the obvious mental incapacity of a man who holds the most powerful position in the…

(2024-07-14). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour (2024-07-14). Fact check: Ecosystem of Huangyan Island excellent. The coral reef ecosystem of China's Huangyan Island in the South China Sea has thrived despite the global coral bleaching crisis, according to a report published on Wednesday."ÄÄ…

2024-07-14 15:04:48 | tr | 5 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0