2024-08-14: News Headlines

MEE staff (2024-08-14). Jordan using cybercrime laws 'against pro-Palestine' sentiment, Amnesty says. middleeasteye.net Jordan using cybercrime laws 'against pro-Palestine' sentiment, Amnesty says | Violations under the law include 'spreading fake news', 'provoking strife' and 'contempt for religions' | | Protesters in Amman, Jordan, carry placards honouring slain Palestinian figures on 9 August 2024 (Reuters/Alaa…

WSWS (2024-08-14). Charli XCX's Brat: Superficial posturing instead of genuine opposition. wsws.org The hyper-produced pop singer postures, unconvincingly, as an "anti-mainstream" pop superstar, seething with resentment at a music industry establishment dominated by essentially lifeless and manufactured trash.

Kit Klarenberg (2024-08-14). Internal crisis rocked Balkan media network run by UK intel, leaked emails show. thegrayzone.com A prominent propaganda outlet in the Balkans, which is directly overseen by a British government agency that Reuters once labeled "an influential soft-power extension of UK foreign policy," appears to be on the brink of collapse after a major schism between staff members and leadership. Leaked emails reviewed by The Grayzone reveal a "deep crisis" has engulfed the Western-created and funded Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), which threatens to tear the organization apart. A flagship propaganda platform in the arsenal …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2024-08-14). Dangers and Lessons from the Perennial Israeli-Palestinian War: The Big Picture of Propaganda and False Flag Operations. globalresearch.ca

presstv.ir (2024-08-14). Four missiles fired from Iraq at US military base in Syria. presstv.ir Resistance forces have fired four missiles from Iraq targeting the US military base in the Washington-controlled Conoco gas field in eastern Syria.

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