2024-06-17: News Headlines

Mi Cuba por Siempre, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-06-17). Russia And Cuba, Beyond Warships. popularresistance.org While the international media only report on the arrival of a Russian naval detachment in Cuba, relations between the Russian Federation and Cuba go much further and are getting stronger. Unlike the Biden administration, which is focused on maintaining the economic and financial persecution measures against Cuba, the Russian government is working together with the Cuban government to reach mutually beneficial agreements, which you will certainly not read about in the major mainstream outlets. | Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuban minister of Foreign Affairs, visited Russia to attend a meeting of the BRICS+ forum and…

Leila's Daughters (2024-06-17). Operation Campus Flood: A Call for a Week of Autonomous Action. indybay.org No more gradualism in the face of a genocide. A new phase of the the #Escalate movement on college campuses has begun. With Berkeley lighting the way. We are calling this OPERATION CAMPUS FLOOD. And it is an open invite for all who are sick of it all to join in displacing the displacers. From the outside in and the inside out, we need to raze the settler-empire academy that provides training, labor, capital, and a steady stream of propaganda and knowledge production for the Israel-Zionist entity.

WSWS (2024-06-17). Washington conducted secret global anti-vaccine disinformation campaign against China. wsws.org Murderous in its own right, the anti-vaccine crusade of the Pentagon is part of a vast online apparatus of lies and propaganda run by the US government.

UMMID (2024-06-17). Kashmir: Cracking The Narratives of Propagandists. ummid.com Your propaganda against the people of Kashmir has now become very clear and people, especially the young generation, is very much known to your anti-Kashmir policies for the sake of power.

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