Daily Archives: February 7, 2022

2022-02-07: News Headlines

_____ (2022-02-07). Crisis or Confusion? A Brief Guide For Black Folk On The Situation In Ukraine. popularresistance.org Within large sectors of the U.S. left, including many elements of the Black left, there is widespread confusion related to the Ukraine "crisis." Years of anti-Russia propaganda from the US and its NATO allies, and the tendency to abstract the current Ukrainian situation from its historical and geo-strategic context, have created a climate of confusion. This climate has played into the hands of state propagandists and democratic party activists eager to use the Ukraine situation to deflect attention from Biden's disastrous domestic agenda. The situation with Ukraine did not just fall out of the sky in 2021. It has…

Patricia Ferrer (2022-02-07). RT Censored: Germany Prohibits Russian TV Channel to Broadcast. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, February 2, German media licensing and supervision commission (ZAK) has banned the Russian TV channel, Russia Today (RT), from broadcasting. | ZAK indicated, that RT does not have a media license. According to the media regulator, German law indicates that the Russian channel requires a broadcast license. It also states that RT did not receive or request permission to broadcast its programming. For this reason, it ordered the medium to stop broadcasting in German territory on all its platforms. | With this guideline RT will not be able to transmit its programming on the air, internet, through the…

Staff (2022-02-07). At Beijing Olympics, China & IOC Accused of "Sportswashing" Amid Uyghur Abuses, Peng Shuai Censorship. democracynow.org Human rights advocates say renewed international attention for China during the Winter Olympics should focus on rampant human rights violations occurring across the country. It is incumbent upon the International Olympic Committee to deny countries the bid to host if they violate their citizens' human rights, says Jules Boykoff, author and former member of the U.S. Olympic soccer team. While many have commended China's "zero-COVID policy," the emphasis on keeping infection rates low is distracting from other kinds of suffering, adds Yaqiu Wang, senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch…

Kai Ehlers (2022-02-07). Will Orwell's prediction in '1984' become reality? indybay.org Basic elements of a development such as Orwell describes are emerging from the fog of current war propaganda, at least as it is being pursued by the West, namely attempts to drive the population into acceptance of a constant exceptional situation in which war appears as the guarantor of peace.

_____ (2022-02-07). The Pentagon Keeps On Killing Civilians in Syria. journal-neo.org On February 2, the Pentagon chief announced that US Special Forces had completed a counter-terrorism operation in Syria, controlled by the US Central Command, stressing that "the mission was successful" and "there were no US casualties." As it turned out, the target of this operation near the town of Atme in the Syrian province of …

Paul Gregoire (2022-02-07). Morrison's sham anti-trolling laws target online political dissent. greenleft.org.au The new so-called anti-trolling bill is yet another attempt by the federal government to shut down its critics. Paul Gregoire explains.

Project Censored (2022-02-06). Arrests Aim to Silence Kashmiri Journalists and Human Rights Defenders. projectcensored.org By Tara Dorabji India, the world's largest democracy, continues to use draconian laws to silence and incarcerate journalists and human rights defenders in Kashmir. On February 4, Fahad Shah, founder…

_____ (2022-02-06). News Flash: Billionaires Don't Like Socialism. popularresistance.org In response to a rising progressive tide in the United States, a new genre of stories has emerged in corporate media: rich guys warning against taxing them, or really changing anything about the system at all. Just as the press are keen for you to know that Medicare for All is a very bad idea (FAIR.org, 4/29/19), they are equally anxious to make sure that the voices of beleaguered, unheard plutocrats are given as much of a boost as possible. | A case in point is CNBC's recent article (1/22/20) headlined, "BP's CEO Chides AOC and Bernie Sanders for Their 'Completely Unrealistic' Green New Deal Ideas." Reporter Jes…

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