Daily Archives: February 4, 2022

2022-02-04: News Headlines

Liberation Staff (2022-02-04). New Hampshire teachers unions fight state censorship of anti-racist education. liberationnews.org A new bill in the New Hampshire state legislature, HB 1255, would all but explicitly ban the mention of indigenous genocide and race-based chattel slavery in New Hampshire class rooms.

WSWS (2022-02-04). The COVID-19 cover-up: Hear no deaths, see no deaths, speak no deaths. wsws.org As thousands of Americans die every single day from COVID-19, the Biden administration is carrying out a campaign, through media propaganda and the manipulation of data, to cover up the pandemic and accustom the population to mass death in perpetuity.

Benjamin Norton (2022-02-03). How Israel is an apartheid regime, with Ali Abunimah. multipolarista.com Mainstream human rights organization Amnesty International admitted Israel is committing apartheid against Palestinians, a crime against humanity. Journalist Ali Abunimah discusses the parallels to South Africa and roots in settler-colonialism.

WSWS (2022-02-03). Maus, graphic novel about the Holocaust, censored by Tennessee school board. wsws.org The McMinn County School Board has removed Maus, by Art Spiegelman, which depicts the experience of the author's family in Poland during the Holocaust, from the 8th grade curriculum, allegedly because of "rough language."

WSWS (2022-02-03). Maus, graphic novel about the Holocaust, censored by Tennessee schoolboard. wsws.org The McMinn County School Board has removed Maus, by Art Spiegelman, which depicts the experience of the author's family in Poland during the Holocaust, from the 8th grade curriculum, allegedly because of "rough language."

The Global Research Team (2022-02-03). Global Research Will Pull You Out of the Rabbit Hole of Deception. globalresearch.ca Big Tech in coordination with Big Pharma is categorically zeroing in on dissidents who are critical of the official COVID-19 narrative. | Independent voices are the object of censorship, shadowban and smear campaigns. If these voices get silenced, it will be …

WSWS (2022-02-03). Whoopi Goldberg suspended for comments about the Holocaust. wsws.org The backlash in the corporate media against Goldberg's insensitive and confused comments is rife with hypocrisy and works to conceal anti-Semitism and fascism within sections of the ruling establishment.

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