Monthly Archives: August 2021

2021-08-31: News Headlines

Gareth Porter (2021-08-31). Afghanistan collapse reveals Beltway media's loyalty to permanent war state. Biden's popular and long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan triggered a big media meltdown that exposed its de facto merger with the military. In the wake of a remarkably successful Taliban offensive capped by the takeover of Kabul, the responses of corporate media provided what may have been the most dramatic demonstration ever of its fealty to the Pentagon and military leadership. The media did so by mounting a full-throated political attack on President Joe Biden's final withdrawal from Afghanistan and a …

Chandra Muzaffar (2021-08-31). Humiliating Defeat in Afghanistan. The mainstream Western media is full of news these days about people fleeing Kabul in the wake of the Taliban victory. Dramatic pictures of young and old scrambling to get on to jam-packed aeroplanes do make a huge impact. The message they convey is that a collective fear has gripped the Afghan people as they

Staff (2021-08-31). Clash Between Venezuelan and Colombian Military Occurred in Venezuelan Waters (Communiqué). A clash between the Venezuelan and Colombian military that went viral on social media platforms this past weekend occurred in Venezuelan waters. Despite this, private corporate media circulated the fallacy that Venezuela's military violated Colombian territory. | The viral video showed how Bolivarian National Guards were doing a routine inspection of a Colombian vessel that had crossed the border. At that moment, a third boat appeared, carrying Colombian military personnel, and tried to slip through and thus avoid a rigorous inspection. Meanwhile, the individuals who were the subjects of the inspection harassed t…

Jean Wyllys — Julie Wark (2021-08-31). Brazil, Amazon, World: Fake News and the Social Contract. Fake news, disinformation, hate speech, post-truth, conspiracy theory, various forms of denialism, and the barefaced lies of politicians all come together as something like the ideational hallmark of neoliberalism. There are many lies, of many kinds, but there has to be a container where they all coexist comfortably. And this is neoliberalism's enormous lie that, if we make "the" (as if there were only one) market free, it will run everything. Law trammels the freedom of the market as does the idea of a social contract. A contract requires that the parties tell the truth, and the idea of democratic government imp…

Yasmeen Afghan (2021-08-30). Kabul Diaries: 'Missing Kabul while living in Kabul'. The daily Jeddojehad (Struggle), a left-wing online Urdu-language paper is posting reports from Kabul. Filed by Yasmeen Afghan (not the author's real name), these reports depict the picture from inside Kabul and cover what is often ignored in the mainstream media.

Joshua Cho (2021-08-30). Corporate Media Politicize WHO Investigation on COVID Origins to Vilify China.

Anonymous103 (2021-08-30). Ukrainian Military Propaganda: Patriots Training To Fight Enemies In Kiev Forests (Photos 18+). Viktor Pilipenko | Ukraine is firmly following its Western partners, especially in promoting the LGBT community. The Ukrainian army could not avoid this trend, and its LGBT troops provoked another scandal. | The head of Ukrainian LGBT troops Viktor Pilipenko chose not the best way to promote inclusiveness among the soldiers who are fighting alleged Russian threat on the frontlines. | Viktor Pilipenko is an officer who served in the infamous punitive Donbass Batallion. He publicly confessed his homosexuality. Having gained po…

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2021-08-30: News Headlines

Yasmeen Afghan (2021-08-30). Kabul Diaries: 'Missing Kabul while living in Kabul'. The daily Jeddojehad (Struggle), a left-wing online Urdu-language paper is posting reports from Kabul. Filed by Yasmeen Afghan (not the author's real name), these reports depict the picture from inside Kabul and cover what is often ignored in the mainstream media.

Joshua Cho (2021-08-30). Corporate Media Politicize WHO Investigation on COVID Origins to Vilify China.

_____ (2021-08-29). On Contact: Mainstream Environmental Movement Lies. On the show today, Chris Hedges discusses the lies and fantasies told by the mainstream environmental movement about how to solve the climate crisis with authors and activists Derrick Jensen and Lierre Keith. | A new book shows how technology will not solve our environmental crisis. We will not extract ourselves from the death march toward extinction by recycling, building wind turbines, relying on solar panels or driving electric cars. This is a fantasy sold to us by an environmental movement that promises we can continue to indulge in orgies of consumption and maintain the levels of waste and perpetual growth t…

WSWS (2021-08-29). UK pseudo-left's political myth-making over Sharon Graham's election as Unite union general secretary. In return for their pro-Graham propaganda, the Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Party, et al, hope to secure a lucrative place for themselves within the corporatist set up she wishes to establish.

Carlos Fazio (2021-08-29). Afganistán: El gran juego continúa. Las mentiras mediáticas de la propaganda occidental sobre la caída de Kabul y la retirada de Estados Unidos de Afganistán, lejos de reflejar el desmoronamiento definitivo del imperio del caos podría significar un reposicionamiento ‚àícon nuevos elementos de privatización militar…

jz 2021-08-31 03:10 | 23:10 EST | 5 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0