Daily Archives: September 14, 2020

2020-09-14: News Headlines

_____ (2020-09-13). Manufacturing Disgrace: Reuters Distorts Chevron V. Donziger. popularresistance.org Independent journalist Chris Hedges (ScheerPost, 8/25/20) wrote: | The flagrant corruption and misuse of the legal system to abjectly serve corporate interests in the Donziger case illustrates the deep decay within our judiciary and democratic institutions. | One of those deeply decayed institutions is the corporate media, as a review of several years of Reuters coverage of the case illustrates. | Attorney Steven Donziger has been under house arrest since August 6 of last year.

Glenn Greenwald (2020-09-13). Journalism's New Propaganda Tool: Using "Confirmed" to Mean Its Opposite. zcomm.org Outlets claiming to have "confirmed" Jeffrey Goldberg's story about Trump's troops comments are again abusing that vital term…

David Price (2020-09-13). The CIA Book Publishing Operations. counterpunch.org If America is the world's living myth, then the CIA is America's myth. —Don DeLillo One of the alternative press's most significant scoops of the 1960s was Sol Stern's February 1967 Ramparts magazine's exposé revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had long secretly funded and controlled the National Student Association (NSA). The story was significant

_____ (2020-09-13). The Historic Clash of Two Opposing Geopolitical Paradigms. strategic-culture.org Compared the great initiatives taken on behalf of freedom and anti colonialism throughout the past 260 years, today's America appears to be a strange and foolish creature running roughshod over the dignity of people and nations in a race for mass nuclear extermination. | Such is the image projected by Mike Pompeo's ranting anti-China attacks or the relentless demonization of Russia sweeping across mainstream media ever day- both nations who have repeatedly called for cooperation and friendship with the USA. If it were simply belligerent words then we could brush off these childish attacks as mere foolish rhetoric…

RT (2020-09-13). Facebook says it'll REMOVE all posts alleging Oregon fires 'were started by certain groups'. rt.com Facebook has announced that it will be wiping messages alleging that wildfires, which have been sweeping through Oregon, might be the work of certain groups after the FBI brushed off reports of arson as "conspiracy theories." | "We are removing false claims that the wildfires in Oregon were started by certain groups," Andy Stone, policy communications manager at Facebook, tweeted late on Saturday. | Defending what is effectively an act of censorship by the social media giant, Stone noted that speculation suggesting the blazes have been ignited by extremists are forcing law enforcement to "divert resources from…

Steve Topple (2020-09-13). Marr just had another Noam Chomsky moment, live on TV. thecanary.co On the Sunday 13 September of the Andrew Marr Show the corporate media got a knock-out blow. Because an Irish politician inadvertently put the … | By | On the Sunday 13 September of the Andrew Marr Show the corporate media got a knock-out blow. Because an Irish politician inadvertently put the host in a similar position to one Noam Chomsky did several years ago. And it exposed a huge problem that persists with the…

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-09-12). The Assange Trial, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. thealtworld.com ~ | "Assange isn't a journalist! He has an agenda!" | Every journalist in the world has an agenda. It just happens that most journalists have fame, wealth and esteem as their agenda while Assange's agenda is, in his own words, "crushing bastards". | It's crazy how there are still people who try to claim Assange isn't a journalist. He is, and it's not even debatable. Publishing information that informs the public about what's going on in the world is exactly the thing that journalism is. | ~ | The mainstream press have been far, far less critical of immensely powerful world-dominating government agencies than they…

Peter Koenig (2020-09-12). Russia: Nord Stream 2 vs. Poisoning of Alexei Navalny. dissidentvoice.org Wednesday, 2 September, all German TV channels, mainstream media were focused unilaterally on the alleged Novichok poisoning of Russian opposition critic, Alexei Navalny. This "breaking-news" poison discovery was made in Germany two weeks after he has been flown from Tomsk in Siberia to Moscow, when he fell ill on the plane and the airliner had …

Project Censored (2020-09-12). Episode 106 — The Anatomy of Fake News and Parallax Views with J.G. Michael. projectcensored.org On today's episode, Nicholas Baham II (Dr. Dreadlocks), Janice Domingo, and Nolan Higdon discuss Higdon's latest book "The Anatomy of Fake News: A Critical News Education" and the Parallax Views…

WSWS (2020-09-12). Hundreds of new COVID-19 cases raise fears of uncontrolled outbreaks across the Pacific. wsws.org The surge in cases across the Pacific is causing a deepening health and social crisis, underscoring the global reach of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Peter Burney, André F S Amaral (2020-09-12). [Correspondence] Asthma exacerbations, air pollution, and allergens — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Jordi Sunyer and Josep Antó for their comments regarding our Viewpoint.1 Their ground-breaking studies in the 1980s showed that what had been reported as an association of an outbreak of asthma with an increase in ambient levels of oxides of nitrogen,2 was in fact caused by exposure to an allergen. Without identifying the specific allergen, there would have been no way of knowing that the initial report was misleading. After the epidemics had been controlled, sporadic cases of asthma exacerbations that were associated with soybean allergy continued to occur.

Keren Shahar-Nissan, Joseph Pardo, Orit Peled, Irit Krause, Efraim Bilavsky, Arnon Wiznitzer, Eran Hadar, Jacob Amir (2020-09-12). [Articles] Valaciclovir to prevent vertical transmission of cytomegalovirus after maternal primary infection during pregnancy: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. thelancet.com Valaciclovir is effective in reducing the rate of fetal cytomegalovirus infection after maternal primary infection acquired early in pregnancy. Early treatment of pregnant women with primary infection might prevent termination of pregnancies or delivery of infants with congenital cytomegalovirus.

WSWS (2020-09-12). Australian raids on Chinese journalists mark escalation of US-led witch hunt. wsws.org The timeline of this affair points to an intensifying anti-China propaganda campaign, instigated by Washington and the intelligence apparatus.

Anya Parampil (2020-09-11). US govt & Democrat-tied troll farm boosts Bolivian coup regime, meddles in Mexico, Venezuela. thegrayzone.com Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with The Grayzone's Ben Norton about US troll farm CLS Strategies that boosted Bolivia's coup regime and sought to destabilize leftist Venezuelan and Mexican governments. Ben Norton joined Red Lines to discuss his recent piece, "U.S. govt-linked PR firm ran fake news networks for right-wing Latin American regimes." He …

Jack Rasmus (2020-09-11). America's Current Jobs 'Great Depression'. counterpunch.org Two well-known and highly respected mainstream economists, Carmen Reinhart, a chief economist for the World Bank, and Vincent Reinhart, chief economist for Morgan Stanley bank, have recently published an article in the widely read and influential capitalist source, Foreign Affairs, entitled 'The Pandemic Depression'. Arguing primarily from a global perspective, the economists have concluded the

WSWS (2020-09-11). Colombian security forces massacre 10 youth protesting police murder. wsws.org The massacre in Bogotá signals the willingness of the Colombian ruling elite to turn to authoritarian rule to crush social opposition in the midst of the uncontrolled pandemic.

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-09-11). The US Is Doing Far Worse Than What It Accuses China Of Doing To The Uighurs. thealtworld.com Disney is the subject of controversy in mainstream circles again, not because it is a Vox "Some viewers who paid to stream the movie on Disney+ last weeke…

_____ (2020-09-11). Biden Amplifies Anti-Sandanista Propaganda. popularresistance.org A clever trick of propaganda is to introduce false information as a precept to an argument with what seems like a valid conclusion. Those who agree with the conclusion will likely accept the false precept without even questioning it. This tactic was used for a recent series of articles in the Washington Post aiming to discredit the government of Nicaragua led by the Sandinista Party.

Edward Curtin (2020-09-11). From Terrorists to Viruses: Dystopian Progress. dissidentvoice.org For anyone old enough to have been alive and aware of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and of so-called COVID-19 in 2020, memory may serve to remind one of an eerie parallel between the two operations. However, if memory has been expunged by the work of one's forgettery or deleted by the corporate media …

Staff (2020-09-10). "This Is Climate Change": West Coast Fires Scorch Millions of Acres & Blot Out the Sun. democracynow.org The skies of the Bay Area and Northern California turned a dark orange as 90 major fires burn in the western United States, from San Diego to the Canadian border. At least seven people have died as a result of the fires, which have already burned 2.5 million acres in California alone. Despite heavy coverage in the mainstream media, however, few outlets are highlighting the link between the blazes and the accelerating climate crisis. "The fact is that TV news is completely abdicating its responsibility when it comes to telling the truth of what the West is dealing with right now," says Leah Stokes, assistant profe…

RT (2020-09-10). 'Orwellian in the extreme': Conservatives slam media for appearing to blame GOP for Dems' decision to tank Covid-19 relief bill. rt.com Conservatives are slamming mainstream media outlets after their almost identical coverage of the Senate Democrats' decision to vote against a coronavirus relief bill appeared to blame Republicans for the "failure." | After months of negotiations, a coronavirus stimulus package, which included funding for schools and Covid-19 testing, unemployment benefits, and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), was voted down by every Democrat in the Senate on Thursday. The only Republican to join them was Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). | Needing 60 votes to pass, the bill earned a 52-47 outcome and it's now unlikely a coron…

Project Censored (2020-09-10). Destructive Media Deregulation — With Sue Wilson. projectcensored.org Reporter-turned-media-reformer Sue Wilson joins the program to remind listeners that in spite of extensive and destructive media deregulation, radio and TV stations still have a legal obligation to serve the…

Staff (2020-09-10). We Must Tell the Truth About California Fires — This Is Climate Change. truthout.org The skies of the Bay Area and Northern California turned a dark orange as 90 major fires burn in the western United States, from San Diego to the Canadian border. At least seven people have died as a result of the fires, which have already burned 2.5 million acres in California alone. Despite heavy coverage in the mainstream media, however, few outlets are highlighting the link between the blazes and the accelerating climate crisis. "The fact is that TV news is completely abdicating its responsibility w…

Nancy J. Altman (2020-09-10). Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Trump Does Indeed Plan To Destroy Social Security. commondreams.org "Though few seem to realize it, Trump has provided the nation with a roadmap of how he could unilaterally destroy Social Security, without the need for Congress, once the election is over," writes Altman. (Photo: Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…