2020-07-21: News Headlines

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-07-21). The Only Obstacle To A Healthy World Is Government Secrecy And Propaganda. thealtworld.com If the public could see what's actually happening in their world, they would immediately begin using the power of their numbers to overhaul our current system. This is why our current system pours so much energy into preventing the public from seeing what's actually happening in their world. | If it weren't for the constant campaign of obfuscation and manipulation of public perception via veils of government secrecy and propaganda, humanity would naturally find its way out of the power-driven tribulations it now faces, as surely as you'll avoid obstacles and hazards in your path when you are walking with your eye…

Jefferson Morley (2020-07-21). The Pro-Trump CIA Man: QAnon Madness and Upward Failure. counterpunch.org Michael Scheur is a pure product of the CIA. A career operations officer, he ran the first agency task force that hunted Osama bin Laden. Scheur authored the agency's rendition program, which kidnapped suspected terrorists (and sometimes innocent people) and tortured them. He combined a deep knowledge of Islamic jihadist movements with a willingness to use illegal methods to fight them. In that regard, he was in the mainstream of the CIA.

Rep. Ron Paul (2020-07-21). Big Holes in the Covid 'Spike' Narrative. globalresearch.ca Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the "second wave" of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death …

Project Censored (2020-07-21). Episode 98 — Cumbia and Music Activism with Mariposa del Alma and listener feedback re: George Floyd. projectcensored.org On today's episode, Nicholas Baham II (Dr. Dreadlocks), Janice Domingo, and Nolan Higdon explore Cumbia and Music Activism with Mariposa del Alma. Along The Line is a non-profit, education-based podcast…

Project Censored (2020-07-20). Authors Greg Palast and Ted Rall. projectcensored.org Mickey welcomes two frequent guests back to the program, each with a new book on electoral politics. Greg Palast is a veteran investigative reporter, his new book is "How Trump… | On today's episode, Nicholas Baham II (Dr. Dreadlocks), Janice Domingo, and Nolan Higdon explore the debates surrounding monuments and rape culture with Jen Marshall of the Bay Area Women Against Rape: BAWAR…

_____ (2020-07-20). Will the Cultural Marxists Succeed in Cancelling the Biden-Trump Debates? strategic-culture.org Reminiscent of its desire to cancel all uncomfortable discussion on college campuses across the nation, the Democrats are determined to ax a series of scheduled debates between the apparent Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, and the Republican incumbent, Donald Trump. If they succeed, this would be the crowning achievement of the radical left. | The Democratic strategy for getting Joe Biden into the White House without ever emerging from his basement bunker is a stroke of evil genius. Here's how it works: With the unconditional support of the mainstream media, the left has promoted the narrative, constructed on the b…

RT (2020-07-20). Trump endorses wearing a MASK against Covid-19 after weeks of criticism, is immediately blasted for being too late. rt.com After weeks of pundits criticizing the president for not promoting or wearing a mask to protect against the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump took to Twitter to endorse the act because "there is nobody more patriotic" than him. | "Many people say it is patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance," Trump tweeted on Monday along with a black and white photo of him wearing just such a mask. "There is nobody more patriotic than me, your favorite president." | The president also took the opportunity to once again blame the worldwide pandemic on China. | "We are United in our effort to defeat the…

Claire Edwards (2020-07-20). Electromagnetic Radiation: What Is the Real 5G Agenda and Why the Frantic Hurry to Deploy It? globalresearch.ca This interview of an ex United Nations Editor brings much needed clarity to cut through the propaganda, and the deceit, especially in relation to the increasing health problems and their effects on living organisms — people. | *** | There has always …

RT (2020-07-19). 'Attempt to spoil a peace deal': Taliban spokesman says 'Russian bounties' story is fake news. rt.com A Taliban official has dismissed as fake and a byproduct of US political infighting the sensational New York Times report claiming Russia had paid it to kill US troops in Afghanistan, in a segment on RT's show Going Underground. | The story — based on anonymous sources — was broken by the Times last month, and triggered a fresh wave of anti-Trump indignation in the media and on the left. President Donald Trump himself called the story a "phony hit job," while his own Defense Department and Joint Chiefs of Staff said they were unable to corroborate it. | "This Russian bounties, it is not true," Taliba…

RT (2020-07-19). Trump says he'd get '50 YEARS FOR TREASON' for what Obama & Biden did as he launches full-on attack on his rival. rt.com US President Donald Trump has unleashed a fresh offensive on Joe Biden, suggesting his presidential rival should be punished for "spying" and "treason," and needs to be subjected to a cognitive ability exam. | Trump went on the warpath on Sunday, with Joe Biden the target of his rage. In a scathing tweet, he accused Biden of being "totally controlled" by the "radical left," referring to the leaders of Portland, where Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters have battered and burned the city's Justice Center for more than 50 days. | The Radical Left Democrats, who totally control Biden, will destroy our Country as…

RT (2020-07-19). Media aghast Trump won't pledge to 'accept' 2020 election result…as Hillary yet to admit her 2016 loss was legit. rt.com The mainstream media is once again in a flutter that Donald Trump won't unconditionally vow to accept the result of the 2020 election, even as his vanquished 2016 opponent continues to call him an "illegitimate" president. | "I have to see. Look…I have to see," Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview aired Sunday morning. "No, I'm not going to just say yes. I'm not going to say no, and I didn't last time, either." | Trump's comments stirred a troubled reaction by the Associated Press, which reported that the president was going back to his "insurgent playbook of four years ago," when he made a simil…

Alparslan Turan, Andra Duncan, Steve Leung, Nika Karimi, Jonathan Fang, Guangmei Mao, Jennifer Hargrave, Marc Gillinov, Carlos Trombetta, Sabry Ayad, Manal Hassan, Andrew Feider, Kimberly Howard-Quijano, Kurt Ruetzler, Daniel I Sessler, DECADE Study Group (2020-07-18). [Articles] Dexmedetomidine for reduction of atrial fibrillation and delirium after cardiac surgery (DECADE): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. thelancet.com Dexmedetomidine infusion, initiated at anaesthetic induction and continued for 24 h, did not decrease postoperative atrial arrhythmias or delirium in patients recovering from cardiac surgery. Dexmedetomidine should not be infused to reduce atrial fibrillation or delirium in patients having cardiac surgery.

Nicolien J Schepers, Nora D L Hallensleben, Marc G Besselink, Marie-Paule G F Anten, Thomas L Bollen, David W da Costa, Foke van Delft, Sven M van Dijk, Hendrik M van Dullemen, Marcel G W Dijkgraaf, Casper H J van Eijck, G Willemien Erkelens, Nicole S Erler, Paul Fockens, Erwin J M van Geenen, Janneke van Grinsven, Robbert A Hollemans, Jeanin E van Hooft, Rene W M van der Hulst, Jeroen M Jansen, Frank J G M Kubben, Sjoerd D Kuiken, Robert J F Laheij, Rutger Quispel, Rogier J J de Ridder, Marno C M Rijk, Tessa E H Rà∂mkens, Carola H M Ruigrok, Erik J Schoon, Matthijs P Schwartz, Xavier J N M Smeets, B W Marcel Spanier, Adriaan C I T L Tan, Willem J Thijs, Robin Timmer, Niels G Venneman, Robert C Verdonk, Frank P Vleggaar, Wim van de Vrie, Ben J Witteman, Hjalmar C van Santvoort, Olaf J Bakker, Marco J Bruno, Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group (2020-07-18). [Articles] Urgent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with sphincterotomy versus conservative treatment in predicted severe acute gallstone pancreatitis (APEC): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. thelancet.com In patients with predicted severe gallstone pancreatitis but without cholangitis, urgent ERCP with sphincterotomy did not reduce the composite endpoint of major complications or mortality, compared with conservative treatment. Our findings support a conservative strategy in patients with predicted severe acute gallstone pancreatitis with an ERCP indicated only in patients with cholangitis or persistent cholestasis.

Jeremy Loffredo (2020-07-18). Why the Bill Gates Global Health Empire Promises More Empire and Less Public Health. Gates Foundation Owns the WHO! globalresearch.ca Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda. | *** | President Donald …

_____ (2020-07-18). 'Putin Hacked Our Coronavirus Vaccine' Is the Dumbest Story Yet. strategic-culture.org Caitlin JOHNSTONE | Today mainstream media is reporting what is arguably the single dumbest Russiavape story of all time, against some very stiff competition. | "Russian hackers are targeting health care organizations in the West in an attempt to steal coronavirus vaccine research, the U.S. and Britain said," "Hackers backed by the Russian state are trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world, Britain's National Cyber…

Kit Knightly (2020-07-18). The "Russian Vaccine Hack" Is a 3-for-1 Deal on Propaganda. globalresearch.ca The Guardian, and all the other predictable voices, are currently reporting that Russian At this stage they offer no substantiation, but it does serve as good …

_____ (2020-07-18). The East-Bound Wind Causes A Storm In The West. popularresistance.org A few months after the publication of his remarkable book, Adam Smith in Beijing, I had an illuminating conversation with Giovanni Arrighi about the significance of China in world history. The late sociologist was interested in knowing more about the subject of my scholarship—modern Iran and the Iranian revolution. When he saw my puzzled face, he told me that he believes that all this apprehension in the west about Iran, is actually rooted in apprehension about China. Arrighi thought that if there were any "mainstream" of world history, it ought to be located in the story of China, the only civilization tha…

Roland Rottenfuss (2020-07-18). The 9 coffin nails of democracy. indybay.org Democracy is an achievement and must be won anew, expanded and defended against attacks in every era… The political conformity of the mainstream press is a sad chapter. "Representative democracy" is a fine word, but who do the representatives actually represent today? Citizens want "representatives of the people."

_____ (2020-07-17). Chile: Night Of Fury To Demand The Withdrawal Of Pension Funds. popularresistance.org From Tuesday night until early Wednesday morning, Chilean citizens took to the streets to support a pension-related bill and protest against President Sebastian Piñera. | Today the Lower House is expected to vote on a bill that will allow Chileans to withdraw the 10 percent of their savings that remain controlled by the repudiated Pension Fund Insurers (AFP), which are private companies that control pensions in this South American country since that time of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990). | "This initiative is supported by a large majority of the people, which claims to have the freedom to dispose…

ACLU (2020-07-17). Padma Lakshmi on Immigration, Food, and Authorship. aclu.org Recently, we've seen a reckoning in the culinary world around the whitewashing and co-opting of ethnic food. The industry has long been controlled by a limited number of people — many of them white — who have authored and then profited from the foods we eat and the stories we share. But the tide is turning. And our guest for this episode, Padma Lakshmi, is part of that movement., , You've likely seen her tasting and critiquing some of the best chefs in the U.S. on Top Chef, sharing her favorite recipes across social media and advocating for immigrants rights and women's rights. Pa…

Danny Haiphong (2020-07-17). The great American firewall: On the question of censorship. mronline.org It should not surprise anyone that China would take protective measures against the threat of U.S. imperialism in the realm of cyber technology.

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-07-17). "Putin Hacked Our Coronavirus Vaccine" Is The Dumbest Story Yet. thealtworld.com Today mainstream media is reporting what is arguably the single dumbest Russiavape story of all time, against some very stiff competition. | "Russian hackers are targeting health care organizations in the West in an attempt to steal coronavirus vaccine research, the U.S. and Britain said," "Hackers backed by the Russian state are trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world, Britain's National Cyber Security…

Stephen Lendman (2020-07-17). Dems and GOP to Debate Extended Stimulus Benefits Next Week. globalresearch.ca Current federal unemployment benefits expire in days. | In May, House-controlled Dems narrowly passed a new $3 trillion stimulus package. | So-called Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) legislation extends current federal benefits through at least yearend. | Senate Majority Leader …

WSWS (2020-07-17). US automakers continue cover-up of COVID-19 outbreaks as workers call for action. wsws.org Fiat Chrysler, with the aid of the United Auto Workers and the corporate media, continues to downplay the uncontrolled spread of the virus at the Toledo North Assembly Complex.