Daily Archives: December 19, 2019

2019-12-19: News Headlines

The Canary (2019-12-19). Australia's most populous state declares wildfire emergency. thecanary.co Australia's most populous state, New South Wales (NSW) has declared a seven-day state of emergency as oppressive conditions fanned around 100 wildfires.Around 2,000 firefighters were battling the blazes, half of which remain uncontrolled, with the support of US and Canadian backup teams and personnel from the Australian Defence Force.The last state of emergency ran for seven days in mid-November amid "catastrophic" fire risk and was the first implemented in NSW since 2013.Central Sydney reached a maximum of 39 degrees Celsius (102 Fahrenheit) on 19 December while outer suburbs scorched at 42 Celsius (108 F). | A…

Staff (2019-12-19). After House Impeachment Vote, Trump's Case Headed for Possible "Kangaroo Court" truthout.org The trial to impeach President Trump could soon head to the Republican-controlled Senate, which requires a two-thirds supermajority vote to convict. Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell has said he is not an "impartial juror" and that he would closely coordinate a Senate impeachment trial with the White House Counsel's Office, leading Democrats to accuse McConnell of trying to preside over a sham trial. We speak with John Bonifaz, who spearheaded the push for impeachment with his gro…

Stephen Lendman (2019-12-19). Dem Controlled House Impeaches Trump. globalresearch.ca On Wednesday, House members impeached Trump on two counts as expected, politicized voting almost entirely along party lines — 230 — 197 for alleged abuse of power, 229 — 198 for alleged obstruction of Congress. | No Republicans supported the scam, …

WorkWeek (2019-12-19). WorkWeek On USMCA NAFTA 2.0 USMCA With UE Kari Thompson. indybay.org WorkWeek interviews UE International Strategies director Kari Thompson about United States Mexico Canada USMCS trade agreement which is known as NAFTA 2.0 by the Washington Post and other corporate media. She discusses how it will continue the anti-labor policies of corporate America both in the US and Mexico. The agreement is supported by Trump, the US corporations and billionaires, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats along with AFL-CIO president Trumpka along with all US unions except the IAM and UE.

Swiss Propaganda Research (2019-12-19). Propaganda in the War on Yugoslavia. globalresearch.ca The war on Yugoslavia in the 1990s was a classic imperial war to reorder South Eastern Europe. To achieve its goals, the US even deployed the "jihadist" mercenaries with which it had previously fought the USSR in Afghanistan and which …

Julia Conley, staff writer (2019-12-19). For 'Making Movement Politics Mainstream,' National Grassroots Group People's Action Endorses Bernie Sanders. commondreams.org Applauding Sen. Bernie Sanders for his leadership in forming a coalition of working people cutting across race, class, and generational divides, the national grassroots network People's Action announced its endorsement of the progressive 2020 Democratic candidate Thursday. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

RT (2019-12-19). Trump taunts 'do-nothing' Democrats for stalling on sending impeachment articles to Senate. rt.com President Donald Trump slammed the "do-nothing" Democrats after party leaders said they would delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate until they could guarantee a "fair trial" in the Republican-controlled chamber. | "Now the Do Nothing Party want to Do Nothing with the Articles & not deliver them to the Senate," Trump tweeted a day after being impeached by the House of Representatives for "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress." | I got Impeached last night without one Republican vote being cast with the Do Nothing Dems on their continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American histor…

RT (2019-12-19). House Democrats IMPEACH President Donald Trump, case now goes to US Senate. rt.com The US House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump for "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress." The Republican-majority Senate will now take up the president's trial. | The outcome of Wednesday's vote came as little surprise, with the Democrat-controlled House voting along party lines in what their GOP opponents perceive as a partisan attack on a sitting US leader. | Trump thus becomes the third-ever US president to be impeached by the House, after Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. Both were acquitted in the Senate, and remained in office till the end of their ter…

Staff (2019-12-19). "We Have to Hold This President Accountable": In Historic Vote, House Impeaches President Trump. democracynow.org President Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives in a historic vote Wednesday, making him only the third president to be formally charged with high crimes and misdemeanors under the Constitution. By a vote of 230 to 197, the House passed the first article of impeachment, which accuses President Trump of abuse of power. The House also approved the second article, which charges him with obstructing Congress by refusing to cooperate with the impeachment investigation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now says she will hold the articles back from being sent to the Republican-controlled Senate for a tria…

Staff (2019-12-19). After House Impeachment Vote, Trump's Case Headed for Possible "Kangaroo Court" in Senate. democracynow.org The trial to impeach President Trump could soon head to the Republican-controlled Senate, which requires a two-thirds supermajority vote to convict. Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell has said he is not an "impartial juror" and that he would closely coordinate a Senate impeachment trial with the White House Counsel's Office, leading Democrats to accuse McConnell of trying to preside over a sham trial. We speak with John Bonifaz, who spearheaded the push for impeachment with his group, Free Speech for People. Bonifaz says that despite the low chance of conviction in the Senate, Wednesday's impeachme…

Matthew Kimball (2019-12-19). To Corporate Media, an Exercise Bike Ad Is More Newsworthy Than 3/4 of a Trillion for the Pentagon. fair.org What little coverage there was of the National Defense Authorization Act tended to stress the family-friendly aspect of a bill mainly intended to increase the ability of the United States to make war (USA Today, 12/12/19). | What is more newsworthy—a decision to give the Pentagon three-quarters of a trillion dollars, or an ad for an exercise bike? If you picked the Pentagon spending, you may not have a future in corporate media. | The House of Representatives vot…

Peoples Dispatch (2019-12-18). New Conservative government in the UK set to ban BDS movement. peoplesdispatch.org The pro-Israel move by the Boris Johnson-led government in the country is being viewed as an attempt to deny Labour-controlled local bodies' right to boycott Israeli products…

RT (2019-12-18). Donald Trump says all US administrations 'abused power'… hours before his House impeachment vote. rt.com US President Donald Trump has slammed his expected impeachment as a sham "to get at the President" with a "vague abuse of power" — that he claims all White House administrations have engaged in. | The US President launched his scathing Twitter attack at his political opponents ahead of a historic House of Representatives vote on Wednesday on whether to impeach him. While on the one hand he said he "did nothing wrong" as president, on the other he somehow admitted that there had been a "vague" abuse of power which had apparently always happened in the past. | Trump tweeted: "They just wanted to get at the…

Staff (2019-12-18). Impeachment Day? House Votes on Charging Trump with Abuse of Power & Obstruction of Justice. democracynow.org As thousands of protesters rally to impeach President Trump in cities across the country ahead of a vote today on impeachment by the full Democrat-controlled House, we hold a roundtable discussion with Rep. Al Green of Texas, who became the first member of Congress to call for impeachment from the floor of the House of Representatives in 2017; Dahlia Lithwick, senior legal correspondent and Supreme Court reporter for Slate, host of the "Amicus" podcast; and Mark Green, co-author of "Fake President: Decoding Trump's Gaslighting, Corruption, and General Bullsh*t."

Staff (2019-12-18). "Not the End of It": If GOP Senate Saves Trump, Rep. Al Green Says He Can Face Impeachment Again. democracynow.org President Donald Trump is on the cusp of being impeached by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, with a historic vote set today on whether to formally accuse him of abusing his power in dealing with Ukraine to help himself politically, and then obstructing Congress by blocking their investigation. Trump lashed out directly at the vote on Tuesday, calling the proceedings to remove him from office an "attempted coup." Should the House approve either of the articles of impeachment, the Republican-controlled Senate will hold a trial with all 100 senators acting as jurors, with a two-thirds supermajority…

Erika Hidalgo (2019-12-17). 'Progressive' and unaffordable San Francisco hates on homeless people. liberationnews.org On Dec. 7, San Francisco police shot a homeless man in the ever-gentrifying Mission District. Despite eyewitness accounts contesting SFPD's version of the incident, local corporate media immediately published such headlines as "SF police shoot burglary suspect."

Staff (2019-12-16). Ralph Nader on Impeachment: Democrats Should Go After Trump's Full Corruption, Not Just Ukraine. democracynow.org Donald Trump is set to become the third president to be impeached when the Democrat-controlled House votes Wednesday on two charges related to his attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden. The vote will send the charges to the Republican-controlled Senate, which will then hold a trial on whether to remove Trump from office. Witnesses who could be called to testify include former national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney. Early Monday, the House Judiciary Committee released its full report on Trump's impeachment that is nearly 700 pag…

Ryan Cristián (2019-12-05). CNN Says US Has "Fresh Intelligence" Of Iran Prepping Attack But Can't Show It & More NYT Propaganda. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/4/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Ramzy Baroud (2019-12-02). The War on Truth: How Israel's Social Media Trolls Conquered Facebook. zcomm.org Israel may have found a way to circumvent the influence of Facebook on the discussions pertaining to Palestinian rights and the Israeli occupation…

Jeff Cohen (2019-12-02). What George Carlin Taught Us about Media Propaganda by Omission. zcomm.org Corporate TV news outlets serve up a series of partial scores. Call it "propaganda by omission"

John Pilger (2019-10-24). Julian Assange's Extradition Case is a Show Trial. zcomm.org Interview on the lack of mainstream media coverage of Julian's persecution, his health and conditions in Belmarsh prison, CIA spying on Julian Assange and more…

2019-12-19: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Dem Controlled House Impeaches Trump
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-12-19
On Wednesday, House members impeached Trump on two counts as expected, politicized voting almost entirely along party lines — 230 — 197 for alleged abuse of power, 229 — 198 for alleged obstruction of Congress. | No Republicans supported the scam, …

Australia's most populous state declares wildfire emergency
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-12-19
Australia's most populous state, New South Wales (NSW) has declared a seven-day state of emergency as oppressive conditions fanned around 100 wildfires.Around 2,000 firefighters were battling the blazes, half of which remain uncontrolled, with the support of US and Canadian backup teams and personnel from the Australian Defence Force.The last state of emergency ran for seven days in mid-November amid "catastrophic" fire risk and was the first implemented in NSW since 2013.Central Sydney reached a maximum of 39 degrees Celsius (102 Fahrenheit) on 19 December while outer suburbs scorched at 42 Celsius (108 F). | A…

After House Impeachment Vote, Trump's Case Headed for Possible "Kangaroo Court"
Staff | truthout.org | 2019-12-19
The trial to impeach President Trump could soon head to the Republican-controlled Senate, which requires a two-thirds supermajority vote to convict. Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell has said he is not an "impartial juror" and that he would closely coordinate a Senate impeachment trial with the White House Counsel's Office, leading Democrats to accuse McConnell of trying to preside over a sham trial. We speak with John Bonifaz, who spearheaded the push for impeachment with his gro…

WorkWeek On USMCA NAFTA 2.0 USMCA With UE Kari Thompson
WorkWeek | indybay.org | 2019-12-19
WorkWeek interviews UE International Strategies director Kari Thompson about United States Mexico Canada USMCS trade agreement which is known as NAFTA 2.0 by the Washington Post and other corporate media. She discusses how it will continue the anti-labor policies of corporate America both in the US and Mexico. The agreement is supported by Trump, the US corporations and billionaires, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats along with AFL-CIO president Trumpka along with all US unions except the IAM and UE.

To Corporate Media, an Exercise Bike Ad Is More Newsworthy Than 3/4 of a Trillion for the Pentagon
Matthew Kimball | fair.org | 2019-12-19
What little coverage there was of the National Defense Authorization Act tended to stress the family-friendly aspect of a bill mainly intended to increase the ability of the United States to make war (USA Today, 12/12/19). | What is more newsworthy–a decision to give the Pentagon three-quarters of a trillion dollars, or an ad for an exercise bike? If you picked the Pentagon spending, you may not have a future in corporate media. | The House of Representatives vot…

Propaganda in the War on Yugoslavia
Swiss Propaganda Research | globalresearch.ca | 2019-12-19
The war on Yugoslavia in the 1990s was a classic imperial war to reorder South Eastern Europe. To achieve its goals, the US even deployed the "jihadist" mercenaries with which it had previously fought the USSR in Afghanistan and which …

For 'Making Movement Politics Mainstream,' National Grassroots Group People's Action Endorses Bernie Sanders
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-12-19
Applauding Sen. Bernie Sanders for his leadership in forming a coalition of working people cutting across race, class, and generational divides, the national grassroots network People's Action announced its endorsement of the progressive 2020 Democratic candidate Thursday. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

House Democrats IMPEACH President Donald Trump, case now goes to US Senate
rt.com | 2019-12-19
The US House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump for "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress." The Republican-majority Senate will now take up the president's trial. | The outcome of Wednesday's vote came as little surprise, with the Democrat-controlled House voting along party lines in what their GOP opponents perceive as a partisan attack on a sitting US leader. | Trump thus becomes the third-ever US president to be impeached by the House, after Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. Both were acquitted in the Senate, and remained in office till the end of their ter…

Trump taunts 'do-nothing' Democrats for stalling on sending impeachment articles to Senate
rt.com | 2019-12-19
President Donald Trump slammed the "do-nothing" Democrats after party leaders said they would delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate until they could guarantee a "fair trial" in the Republican-controlled chamber. | "Now the Do Nothing Party want to Do Nothing with the Articles & not deliver them to the Senate," Trump tweeted a day after being impeached by the House of Representatives for "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress." | I got Impeached last night without one Republican vote being cast with the Do Nothing Dems on their continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American histor…

After House Impeachment Vote, Trump's Case Headed for Possible "Kangaroo Court" in Senate
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-12-19
The trial to impeach President Trump could soon head to the Republican-controlled Senate, which requires a two-thirds supermajority vote to convict. Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell has said he is not an "impartial juror" and that he would closely coordinate a Senate impeachment trial with the White House Counsel's Office, leading Democrats to accuse McConnell of trying to preside over a sham trial. We speak with John Bonifaz, who spearheaded the push for impeachment with his group, Free Speech for People. Bonifaz says that despite the low chance of conviction in the Senate, Wednesday's impeachme…

"We Have to Hold This President Accountable": In Historic Vote, House Impeaches President Trump
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-12-19
President Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives in a historic vote Wednesday, making him only the third president to be formally charged with high crimes and misdemeanors under the Constitution. By a vote of 230 to 197, the House passed the first article of impeachment, which accuses President Trump of abuse of power. The House also approved the second article, which charges him with obstructing Congress by refusing to cooperate with the impeachment investigation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now says she will hold the articles back from being sent to the Republican-controlled Senate for a tria…

New Conservative government in the UK set to ban BDS movement
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-12-18
The pro-Israel move by the Boris Johnson-led government in the country is being viewed as an attempt to deny Labour-controlled local bodies' right to boycott Israeli products…

Donald Trump says all US administrations 'abused power'… hours before his House impeachment vote
rt.com | 2019-12-18
US President Donald Trump has slammed his expected impeachment as a sham "to get at the President" with a "vague abuse of power" — that he claims all White House administrations have engaged in. | The US President launched his scathing Twitter attack at his political opponents ahead of a historic House of Representatives vote on Wednesday on whether to impeach him. While on the one hand he said he "did nothing wrong" as president, on the other he somehow admitted that there had been a "vague" abuse of power which had apparently always happened in the past. | Trump tweeted: "They just wanted to get at the…

Impeachment Day? House Votes on Charging Trump with Abuse of Power & Obstruction of Justice
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-12-18
As thousands of protesters rally to impeach President Trump in cities across the country ahead of a vote today on impeachment by the full Democrat-controlled House, we hold a roundtable discussion with Rep. Al Green of Texas, who became the first member of Congress to call for impeachment from the floor of the House of Representatives in 2017; Dahlia Lithwick, senior legal correspondent and Supreme Court reporter for Slate, host of the "Amicus" podcast; and Mark Green, co-author of "Fake President: Decoding Trump's Gaslighting, Corruption, and General Bullsh*t."

"Not the End of It": If GOP Senate Saves Trump, Rep. Al Green Says He Can Face Impeachment Again
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-12-18
President Donald Trump is on the cusp of being impeached by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, with a historic vote set today on whether to formally accuse him of abusing his power in dealing with Ukraine to help himself politically, and then obstructing Congress by blocking their investigation. Trump lashed out directly at the vote on Tuesday, calling the proceedings to remove him from office an "attempted coup." Should the House approve either of the articles of impeachment, the Republican-controlled Senate will hold a trial with all 100 senators acting as jurors, with a two-thirds supermajority…

'Progressive' and unaffordable San Francisco hates on homeless people
Erika Hidalgo | liberationnews.org | 2019-12-17
On Dec. 7, San Francisco police shot a homeless man in the ever-gentrifying Mission District. Despite eyewitness accounts contesting SFPD's version of the incident, local corporate media immediately published such headlines as "SF police shoot burglary suspect."

Ralph Nader on Impeachment: Democrats Should Go After Trump's Full Corruption, Not Just Ukraine
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-12-16
Donald Trump is set to become the third president to be impeached when the Democrat-controlled House votes Wednesday on two charges related to his attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden. The vote will send the charges to the Republican-controlled Senate, which will then hold a trial on whether to remove Trump from office. Witnesses who could be called to testify include former national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney. Early Monday, the House Judiciary Committee released its full report on Trump's impeachment that is nearly 700 pag…

CNN Says US Has "Fresh Intelligence" Of Iran Prepping Attack But Can't Show It & More NYT Propaganda
Ryan Cristián | thelastamericanvagabond.com | 2019-12-05
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/4/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

The War on Truth: How Israel's Social Media Trolls Conquered Facebook
Ramzy Baroud | zcomm.org | 2019-12-02
Israel may have found a way to circumvent the influence of Facebook on the discussions pertaining to Palestinian rights and the Israeli occupation…

What George Carlin Taught Us about Media Propaganda by Omission
Jeff Cohen | zcomm.org | 2019-12-02
Corporate TV news outlets serve up a series of partial scores. Call it "propaganda by omission"